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I couldn't comprehend how they talked, how they questioned, how they felt, how they cried, how they became angry. The very reason they walked the hot concrete path while they laughed and joked carelessly as the hot dalopts of ice cream dipped through their fingers. They never looked back questions then questions, never there with a care. I could never comprehend how they lived without a second glance back to where they had come. It stood lurking, waiting, watching, for the second when your back is turned. Waiting for the moment your guard is down the most, venerable. It waits in the shadows haunting the haunted, it waits. Then, as you laugh and joke it stalks from the shadows, preying on you. It pounces, pushing you down, to the point you can never climb back to the sun. Knocking you down repeatedly until you sit, staring at the unmoving scenery, watching as the pain ceases and your empty, waiting and always waiting.

It had done the same thing to me, waiting, watching, always lurking around the next corner. Always running, looking behind,calamus afraid of what laid there, waiting, watching. How many times I turned anticipating, but finding the cold never changing darkness, that lurked waiting to prey on me when I least expected. The way the others continued on without a care in the ever expanding universe astonished me to this day. I knew they where waiting, ready to pounce onto me any second that my guards where down.

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