Never Ending

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The white flakes nipped at the flush pink skin while it danced in the midnight. The billowing winds held no match as they blew through the thin sweater, sending tremors through my ashen features. Blonde locks whipped and tangled around her cheeks, the barren tree branches ahead creaked their achy limbs as they weaves through each other.

A horrid cough ripped through my chest from my lungs into the icy night, in small grey clouds around my mouth. It nearly sent me to my knees, red speckles stained the blanket of white beneath, my breath was nothing more than wheezing. Wide stormy grey eyes turned rushing to my side while laying a hand on my back.

"Hang on we're almost there." She reassured me, pulling me along while I clutched at my rapidly beating chest.

We continued on our way through the harsh winter snow, a black haze engulfs parts of my vision. Before I could submit to the the invading blackness a large cabin like mansion comes into view, the white earth tilts and sways out of my vision as I stumble behind Arcadia. We reach the front steps that housed towering red oak doors, Arcadia knocked on the wood sending loud echoes through the silent terrain.

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