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The pounding, steady fall of the weighted boots; thump. Thump. Thump. Ear splitting screams of men and woman alike as they desperately ran and fell over each other. The pounding grew louder and louder. My mother ran up to me unwrapping me in her arms, that were once warm and safe, that now seemed far away and cold. She carried me to the hidden basement door in the far corner of the house hidden under the tagged couch. Her strong arms shoved me into the musky, dark space below.

"Enron, stay in here and no matter what do not come out of here!" Her strong and confident features never wavered but he glistening tears showed the trail down her olive cheeks.

"Your father and I love you so much, please always remember that." I nodded frantically, numb to what's going on around. Dust ballooned around features as she pushed me back farther in the cubby, slamming the metal door shut, and replacing the chair above. A loud bang sounded from the dizzying world above as heavy footsteps flooded the dark room. A more banging and smashing went on as a barking of a voice boomed over it all.

"On order of the Supreme, we are here by ordered to execute Marri and Matix, on site for reasons declared by the capital of rations." The man's voice was followed by a bang then another. The shots filled damp hole in the ground as the sound defended my ears, a loud sob escaped my lips along with many more. Gripping mouth trying to silence them, only to muffle them while my body trembled with fear. Time went on, I had no way of knowing how many hours had passed or even days, as I waited; to my mother's last commands, their faces filled my memories. My mother's golden hair whirling in the air as her hazel-green eyes danced across the horizon in front of her. My muscular father's blue-grey eyes stared down at his wife lovingly who was wrapped in his arms in front of him while his dark locks blew through his eyes. When all the hole I had of what ever was happening in the world above, ended when the heavy door swung back blinding me as rays of sun burst through the gap. A mud-tattered girl stood before me with scrapped cheeks and matted blonde hair. The girl reached a bloodied hand out,

"Well, come on then!" Her overly bubbly personality shocked me, as I imagined the state of my house problem covered in blood and two dead bodies in the living room. I stood shakily and climbed out of the tunnel hole. At the top, what laid before me was a scene from a war movie. My house was no longer a building, as it was just crumbled walls and odd items charred by flames, I saw no traces of bodies until I turned.

Two heaps unrecognizable, mangled in burnt debris. I knew in some way that those two heaps where of my once loving parents. Looking towards the too perky girl I scampered after her. She bounded over power palls and parts of Huvers, maneuvering around the gaping holes in the grounds. The blonde approached an older looking boy that appeared to be related to the little girl.

"Axel, Axel! Look!" The little one shouted, pointing to me as if I was a prize she had just won. The boy turned, he couldn't be more than thirteen years old. Unlike the girl's face he seemed more sullen, walking over to us, bending down.

" What's your name, and how old are you?" He questioned in a harsh, sharp tone. I held up nine fingers indicating the age and mumbled a quiet "Enron." I followed them through what was once the bustling town square, and through thorn filled woods. I later learned the girl's name to be Ezmin.As I walked through the humid mid-night, the memories of seven years ago replayed. Mud slapped at the worn boots as they traveled across the flank of dead memories, sweat dripped down the small of my back and matted down dark locks to my brow. As I reached the single standing wall among what was left of the burned rubble, the constant tightness only grew a more tight bubble of grief as I remembered. Crouching down in front of the wall and starring up at the starless night,much has changed since the time a naive child played in the dew tipped grass chasing crickets. No tears were shed as I sat here, no more were left to shed.

Rummaging from my left drew my attention as a mass of blonde popped out around the wall.

"Enron, Axel is looking for you!" Ezmin sang. Although to most eyes Ezmin seemed to not have a single fear or care in what is left of the world, as I did when she first found me. She has as dark as secrets as any would when they've seen the horrors of so long ago. Standing and beginning the trek back along side Ezmin. We approached the hidden storage ware-house, everyone stayed in for the time being. Ezmin opened the gated door allowing herself and then myself in.

In front stood several stray kids of all ages, all of them found like I was through the years. The building was nothing more than a bare storage ware-house, along with abandoned cubical that we changed into a few private rooms. Shifting through the varied age ranges, making my way to Axel's cube.

He sat behind a makeshift desk reading reports from the front runners, glancing up to glare at me. He stood walking forward, engulfing me in a hug with one hand clasped around mine between our chests. He gave a small nod acknowledging where I'd been, but a smile never grazed his lips.

"What did you need Axel?"I questioned, as his face turned grim.

"We have a new mission." He paused before continuing, "You, Ezmin, and I are all following this together. We have a lead from seven years ago before the attacks.

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