i do not exist.

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This one is published on my other profile.


The cold January night nipped at the exposed flesh on my face, I tugged the collar of my coat up higher around my neck. Cheeks flushed pink from the wind and glistening white flurries embedded in my mid-night hair that hung in my eyes. Dried leaves crunched under the weight of my boots, that stepped over the fallen limbs and the veins in the muddied ground. Neatly woven branches swayed with the bustling wind.

The early hours after midnight did not phase my ability to navigate through the forest. The bushes across from me rusted before a large mass of muscle and fur threw me back and to the ground. I couldn't breath, claws ripping at my abdomen, snarling in my ear. It's gold eyes glowering at me. The black and grey creature ceased its attack, backing away in a low crouch.

Four legs changing to two legs and two arms, the snout morffing to a nose, ears embedding them self in a mass dark auburn hair and fur disappearing under soft touchable skin, concealed in winter clothing.

"Dame it Alex! Don't you know not to come out here!" He glared daggers through me as I coughed bringing the oxygen back into my lungs.

"If I couldn't have smelt you, I would have attacked you and possibly killed you!" He fumed. But under the stern town I knew he was curious and worried. He knew that I knew not to go in the woods at this time, not unless it was inportant.

"Vic," I started but couldn't seem to find my words steady. "they- they're coming..." my voice was no higher than a mere whisper. I knew he heard me, when he started pacing and jumbled thoughts spewed out of his mouth. I was about to say something but was luckily cut off. Vic grabbed my wrist and began pulling us through the forest to the edge where the pack house is. I stumbled after his inhuman speed, my hot breaths left puffs of cloud about my face.

He burst through the house and called the pack to order in the living room. Once everyone was here, quit quickly, he started explaining.

"They are finally coming, and this time it's going to end in blood. We need to start preparing, meaning the children not of age, woman not a wolf, the injured and or people unwilling to fight need to leave tonight." There was sad looks across the room between mates, Vic continued,

"This fight, there will be blood shed, our own could die. But the Crusaders will die in vain, they will not be saved for the sins they committed." Vic's strong, authorized voice never wavered.

The crusaders where the second largest pack in the country, they where also the country's number one drug operation. they have killed many of our pack over the last year, and one of them was our alpha. The alpha that was Vic's father, meaning Vic is now the Alpha. Us and the Crusaders have had each other's tails for ages, some reasons lost but one is for sure. We don't kill innocent humans.

The pack members mumbled and stared at each other unknowingly, I stood behind Vic. I had no place here, I wasn't a wolf a part of this pack. I was just the stray with a bad past that left me as a supporting cast for Vic.

Vic disbanded the group after a few more minuets, he was approached by a few good fighters that where older than Vic and I. They questioned strategies and such, even the age difference, everyone still respected Vic.

When there was a pause in their conversation I interjected,

"I'm, umm... Going to head to bed now." I said mostly to Vic. I was the one that always knew things bad where going to happen, never the good. And I was never wrong.

I reached my room that was across from the alpha's. Taking a shower first I wrong my long black fringe in the towel and then putting on a pair of boxers I slipped under the covers of the cold bed. The visions never stop when I sleep, it's not uncommon to wake up in a cold sweat crying. But I've gotten used to it.

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