Part 6

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"Rylie, unlock the door." Luke pleaded, his gentle knocks on the stall echoing throughout the room.

"I'm too scared." she admitted, rubbing her nose with her hand to remove the excess drips.

"You have no reason to be scared of me."

Rylie reached her hand, and unlocked the stall, allowing it to slip open. Luke was revealed in skinny jeans and a Blink-182 shirt as his hands held onto the sides in patience.

Luke smiled, and Rylie couldn't imagine how horrible she looked. She had only known Luke a day, but she honestly felt like they had grown up together, and she knew his eyes held no judgment.

"What's wrong?" he asked calmly.

"I'm sure Liam's told you." Rylie sniffled, ripping some toilet paper from the roll, and wiping her eyes.

Luke squatted down and held her small chin in his large hands as he forced their eyes to meet.

"He has...but I want to hear it from you before I go making conclusions."

Rylie turned away, cowering away from Luke. "It's not that I still love him. Or even like him for that matter."

"Then why are you crying? What did he say to you? He admitted he was talking about Sophia, but why would that bother you? Are you jealous?" Luke's voice was so calm and serene. Not once did he raise it, and just simply asked Rylie the questions without any emotions for himself, but for her.

Rylie thought about it, and all of a sudden, it clicked. The words tumbled out before she even realized.

"No...I'm not jealous. It's just...I've seen the way Liam looks at Sophia and he never looked at me that way. He treats her so amazing, and even at our highest point, I don't think Liam ever planned to see me as more than a girlfriend. I thought we were perfect, and he thought the opposite. I'm glad he found Sophia, I am, but it makes me feel so...stupid. Was I good enough?"

Luke made Rylie turn back around to face him, and he looked into her brown eyes. "I think you're good enough...Who cares about Liam if I think you're good enough."

"Yea, but how long will that last?" Rylie hiccupped, and she felt her lips tilt as Luke chuckled.

"I'm yours if you're mine. And for the record, I look at you that way..." Luke nodded, and her heart warmed at his words. She blushed, and wiped her wet cheeks once more before planting a kiss on Luke's cheek. He was so understanding. She didn't know one 18-year-old boy who understood feelings and the world as good as him. He had such a big heart. A big, intriguing heart, and she was honored to be able to kiss him.

Luke held her wrists as he helped her off the toilet, and she walked with him to the door. He stopped quickly, however, and Rylie feared at the sudden halt. Her grabbed onto her shoulders, and looked down at her, flashing a beautiful grin.

"We can't leave this washroom until you answer my question."

She nodded, biting down on her lip.

"Can I call you my girlfriend because I can't kiss you as a friend?" Luke asked, shyness clear in his deep voice. He paused, and his eyes grew big as he looked at her waiting for a final answer.

Rylie smiled, feeling her cheeks heat. She didn't have to think about it. Her mind started roaming with predictions of what they would do together, and she couldn't help but say yes to his charm.

"Only if I can call you my boyfriend..."

Luke looked up and rubbed his chin, as if thinking. "Hmm..."

Rylie slapped his shoulder playfully. "Oh, c'mon!"

"Well, you abuse me a lot...but I guess..." Luke snickered.


Rylie and Luke walked out of the bathroom, Luke's arm wrapped around Rylie. Liam turned around and saw them, and his jaw dropped. Everyone turned to see them, and surprise seemed to attack their faces.

"Oh, so I guess you are together?" Niall asked, walking over to them.

Luke and Rylie looked at each other and smiled. "Yea. With a lot of pleading from her, I finally said yes." Luke sighed.

Rylie raised her eyebrows. "Pleading? More like you getting all sentimental with your puppy dog eyes and quivering lips asking me all gently!"

"Luke? Sentimental?" Calum said shocked. "Wow, Luke, Rylie really does bring the best out of you! You haven't been sentimental since Thea-"

"Yea, let's not talk about her ok?" Luke said. "She's old news."
The boys nodded their heads.

"Boys!" Lou called from a door leading backstage. "Hair time!"

"Bye...babe." Luke moved his arm away, and followed the other guys.

Rylie bit her lips, hearts in her eyes. Then she noticed Paul looking at her. He shook his head in disprovable, and walked into the next room.

"Great..." Rylie mumbled under her breath. For her to be truly happy, she had to get approval from her father. No matter how mad he or she was at each other, it just tore her down not having a supporting hand to help her.

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