Part 19

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Rylie opened her sleep deprived eyes and turned her body over to look at her waker. "What, Harry?" she yawned.

"We have to do some work." Harry yawned back, just as tired as she was.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"...30 minutes, I think..."

Rylie groaned loudly, but pushed herself off the bunk. It wasn't a shocker to have been woken up just a while after you go to sleep. That was the tour life. Everyone had so little time to do stuff, they had to take time out of sleep. They had all gotten a great night's sleep the night before, but now they had to work on the next album or they would never get it done.

Rylie stretched her sore limbs as she walked into the studio room at the back of the bus where some producers, some instrument players, and the 1D boys were warming up as they moved sound equipment around. She figured they were fixing to record a song.

She sat down beside a tired Niall that kept yawning into the microphone.

"How are you doing?" Rylie asked. She was worried about him. He was pretty upset last night.

"I'm feeling...guilty." Niall admitted.

"I wonder why." Rylie nudged him playfully, trying to lighten the mood.

She looked around at the eye-drooped men.

"What time is it?" Louis asked, walking in wearing only his underwear.

"Like 3 in the morning." One of the producers checked his watch.

"Ugh! The sun is still asleep. Why am I not?" Louis groaned.

"Because the sun isn't the member of a famous boyband."

Rylie got up so Louis could sit down beside Niall and share the microphone. After all, Rylie wasn't the one singing. She was just there to make sure her songs were portrayed the right way, and helped them with the notes if they needed help.

The pre-recorded music started, and Harry sang his lines first. Rylie admired his voice. So raspy, but when he talked, it was so much more deep than others.

Next, Zayn sang but stopped abruptly to yawn. "Sorry, let's go again." he apologized.

And this continued for an hour. Someone yawned and started again; Rylie told them where to go low or high on; and just as the sun came up, the song was finished.

"Just, like, 6 more to go..." Niall said. "Can we go to sleep now?"

"Go right ahead." Paul told them, and Rylie jumped up to run to her bunk, and try not to disturb the others who didn't have to get up at 3 in the morning, including her boyfriend.


Rylie opened her eyes from a deep sleep the second time that day. She felt more refreshed and energetic this time. Rylie checked her phone, and since it was already noon, she climbed out of the small bunk, and walked into the baby kitchen to get a snack.

All the other boys were still asleep, and she nodded a hello to Michael and Calum who were playing some kind of game on the couch.

"Where's Luke?" she asked.

"Me thinks he's taking the Browns to the Superbowl." Michael said, and Calum burst into laughter beside him.

Rylie nodded even though she was confused, but then she got it, and shot Michael a, "Very funny," look.

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