Part 33

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Rylie breathed in every detail of Luke, and as she watched him look down at the city, she felt a tingling deep in her soul that she had felt once before. However, this time it was different. It was more potent, and powerful. It was an amazing feeling, but it was so strong, it almost hurt. It hit her hard like a ton of bricks, but as soon as it went away, Rylie wanted more. She was already addicted to the feeling, and she knew Luke had given it to her.


Day 6

"You promised..." Rylie whispered as she looked down at the small piece of parchment papers in her hands. She sat cross-legged on the edge of her bathtub in the middle of the night, not knowing why she decided that place to mourn over one of the last memories she shared with Michael. The nightmares had come, and Rylie couldn't stand going to sleep anymore.

Rylie, I will see you again.

No, he would never see her again. All Rylie has left of him is the note and her necklace. She missed him...more than anything. She missed a lot of people, especially Luke, and she wanted more than ever to have Luke cradle her in his arms so that they could help each other get better. Rylie had to forgive and forget.

 I will live to see that day.

He didn't live to see another day. The steering wheel crushed the best part of him: his heart. Michael deserved a long life. He deserved to get married, and have a Little Mikey. He would never be able to have a child, or watch that child grow up. He could never sit with Luke, Ashton, or Calum, and just play music. Rylie knew he was in a better place, but she wasn't. She was slowly crumbling from the inside out without him.

Rylie could bath in the tears speeding down her cheeks. She wiped them away, and inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to calm down. She was tired of crying, but she knew no matter what she did, the tears didn't stop. Rylie had shed enough tears for a lifetime.

Rylie was so sad...but more than anything, she was angry. She was angry that everyone that she loved eventually left...somehow. As soon as she latched onto someone, they went away, or did some unforgiving thing. Why was it so hard to be happy? Rylie thought back to the hotel rooftop, and how she looked at Luke and felt that feeling that love gave you. That was the perfect moment where Rylie couldn't be happier. Her and Luke had so many memories. In a span of 3 months, they fell in love, and he had to go screw everything up. It wasn't fair. When was Rylie going to get her happy ending?

She just wanted to scream. Scream for everyone to come back so they could be a family again. She wanted to scream for everything to go back to normal.

Rylie groaned loudly in frustrated anger, and she pushed the makeup mirror by the sink off the counter, leaving it toppling down. It shattered in sharp pieces of glass and plastic. It was a lurch out of pure animosity, but Rylie liked the sound it made. It gave her pleasure to destroy something, and make it miserable like herself.

Rylie smiled with wicked humor, and stood up, looking for something else to break.

She walked into her room, and immediately pushed over her bedside lamp. The lamp hit the ground, sending small clusters of materials flying every which way.

Rylie laughed blissfully. It was a perfect distraction, and a short remedy for her pain. It was somewhat a metaphor for what she was going through. She was breaking into a million pieces because of forces around her.

She thought about Luke, and all the hurt he caused her. She pushed the bedside table to the ground, hearing shatters from the inside.

Rylie laughed hysterically, and thought of Paul. He was a horrible father. She sent her desk flying to the ground, and notepads, pens, and other stationery adorned her floor.

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