Part 29

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"Love is weird. Who knows what will happen." Luke smiled, and intertwined his finger with hers.


Day 2

Rylie spent the next day doing the only thing she did best: cry. The feeling of loss still hadn't faded, even slightly. Rylie wanted to go out, maybe hang with old friends, but the minute she got up, her head started reeling with Luke, and she would sink down in her covers again.

The entire day had flown by surprisingly, and Katie hadn't bothered her once, except to bring her some food. Katie was being so...polite about the whole situation. She hardly commented on Rylie's moping, and she was being a decent sister to care to her needs, even though Rylie was acting pathetic.

It was nearly sundown, and Rylie examined a quarter in her hand as she twirled it in her fingers, trying to get her mind off of the things that made her feel so horrible.

Rylie jumped slightly as her door swung open, revealing Katie.

"Can't you knock?" Rylie moaned.

"It's not like you're doing anything..." Katie rolled her eyes, and looked at Rylie seriously. "You have a visitor?"

"What?" Rylie stood up in her bed, hearing the last word she expected to. She should have known someone would come to see her. It was probably Luke, and Rylie would go ballistic if it was.

"There's a boy with colored hair waiting downstairs for you." Katie answered, annoyed with Rylie's slow comprehension.

Rylie hit the side of her face with her hand, and groaned. Michael. Of course, he would find her and try to make everything right again. She didn't want visitors. As much as she appreciated Michael, she just couldn't handle anyone from the tour. If a manager had showed up, she still would've sent him away.

Rylie almost told Katie to tell him to leave, but a small part of her wanted to see him. She wanted the comfort from one of her best friends. He must have gone through a lot to find her, and the least Rylie could do was talk with him for a few minutes.

"Send him up." Rylie decided.

Katie nodded, and as soon as she closed the door, Rylie adjusted her covers, and attempted to brush out her tangled hair with her fingers. She rubbed her face, trying to relieve the redness from her tears, and took a deep breath. She still looked like a wretched beast, but at least she was prepared.

The door opened so slowly , and Rylie immediately saw black Converses, ripped skinny jeans, and a dirty muscle tee before her eyes met Michael's greenish ones.

"Hey..." he leaned against the door, and smiled, holding back his comments on her appearance.

"Hey..." Rylie bit back a smile. "How'd you find me?"

Michael closed the door behind him and walked over to the side of Rylie's bed. "It involves a lot of paparazzi, fans, walking, questions, and searching." Michael sat down, and eyed Rylie intently. "I like this house." he added, looking around her bare room.

"I don't..." Rylie admitted. "Did you bring anyone else?"

"Nope, just me. I figured you didn't want a party of people coming to see you like this."

Rylie appreciated him putting her first. He was such a kind guy, and Rylie saw how much Luke and him were similar. They both were understanding, handsome, kind, and just genuinely amazing people.

Rylie and Michael examined their laps for minutes before Michael broke the silence.

"5 Seconds of Summer is over."

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