Part 26

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Rylie waited for a couple minutes after Luke left to comprehend all of the events of the night. It was so miraculous how Luke was able to change moods so quickly. Rylie couldn't take the silence anymore. Her head was reeling with possibilities of whatever was going on. She had to get answers, or she might lose her mind.

Rylie knew it was wrong, but she got up from the side of the bed, and slowly walked over to pull some Toms on. She abandoned her high heels for fear of too much noise. She didn't know why she was being so quiet and suspicious yet. She hadn't even left her hotel room.

Rylie gently opened the door, and peeked out of it, seeing an empty hallway adorned with dim lights and wine red wallpaper. She tiptoed down the hallway, and cupped her ear to every door to see if she could something...anything. There was no sound coming from any room, and she decided to head down to the lobby to see any familiar faces who might know where Paul or Luke was. She felt so guilty for planning to eavesdrop, but could you blame her? Her family and friends had been so secretive to her for some reason, and by the way Luke's face turned from delight to utter horror by the mention of Paul's name, she knew it was something big, and something she would not be happy about.

Drunk people of every kind hovered outside the club doors in the lobby, but Rylie didn't recognize any of them. She pushed the doors open, and pounding music attacked her ears, giving her a headache. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden dark room with flashing lights, and she squinted to see. Her eyes spotted a Niall talking to some girls over by the bar. She walked over to him, and patted his shoulder. He turned around and smiled.

"Hey, you naughty girl..." Niall smirked.

Rylie blushed, but it was too dark for Niall to notice. "We didn't do anything." she said innocently.

Niall grunted, not believing her.

"Are you okay...with everything that happened earlier?" she asked, her mothering self exposing itself. She always felt like a mother to Niall, even though he was older than her.

"I'm good." Niall nodded. "Now I can say I've been in a fight." he seemed proud of himself, like he had accomplished something.

Rylie chuckled, and turned her attention back to Luke. "Hey, have you seen Luke...or Paul in the last couple minutes?"

Niall furrowed his eyebrow. "Umm, oh yea!" he pointed to a door in the very back of the club. "I saw both of them go into the storage room earlier."

Rylie smiled a thanks, and started to walk towards it, but Niall grabbed her wrist, rendering her from moving forward.

"Thanks..." he said appreciatively. "For always being there for me..."

"You're welcome..." Rylie said thoughtfully. Niall usually didn't get so mushy.

"And I'm going home in the morning, so if I don't see you before I get on the airplane...Merry Christmas!"

Rylie mumbled a "Merry Christmas," back, but she was distracted by Luke. She wouldn't leave in the morning because she only stayed with her father, and everywhere he was, she was. She never went to her mother's or sister's unless she absolutely had too. She despised them, and going over to their house was torture for her. She just didn't fit in with their business lifestyle. She was into the music, and she was carefree, and improper. Her family had practically turned her back on her. They never had time for her because they were always working. She had to become her own company. Her mother didn't except her. She expected her to be a high businesswoman with a clean house and groomed husband. News flash: she would never be that girl.

Rylie stopped in front of the black door, and ever so slightly, pushed it open an inch, and clung her ear to it. She heard voices and pushed the door open another inch to peek through. She barely saw them standing in that room surrounded by boxes. There was Luke slouching nervously, and Paul's back was towards her. She couldn't see his facial expressions, but she could tell by his voice, he was urgent.

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