Part 18

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Almost two months had flown by. A wonderful time. Nothing much happened, but Luke and Rylie grew really close, and they had officially been together almost 2 months and 2 weeks.

The tour was going sufficient. Cold weather brought snow continuously in any country they were at, and that hampered a few things, but fans were dedicated, and they could wait a little longer if that's what it took.

Summer had to leave a while back. It sucked. Her and Ashton were really hitting it off. Summer promised she would see them again, but she had to get back with her friends so they could go home.

Everything was going really well. Everyone was happy and content. They were on a train that went in the right direction. The direction to happiness.


"Just more state after Florida...and I'll see her." Ashton said, as him and the rest of 5sos and One Direction waited with their girlfriends, Lou, Gemma, and Rylie in the back of the tour bus they missed so dearly.

"We know how excited you are." Niall smiled.

They were in the states, driving to Florida on a cold, winter night. It was time they had to relax before they went off to do what they did best, and they spent it drinking hot chocolate and talking.

Rylie nestled her head closer into Luke's side, and sipped from her Christmas mug. Christmas was in a week. She would spend it with her favorite people. She was so excited. She loved Christmas, and she planned to help Luke love it too. Once he saw the happy memories Christmas made, he couldn't not love it.

Spending it with the people around you that shape the person you are is the best way to celebrate. Christmas brings everyone together to show their love and appreciation through little gifts from the heart. People spend so much time decorating, and buying gifts that they forget that the whole point of Christmas was never the gifts. It was to celebrate the birth of Christ and show love for family and friends.

As everyone laughed and laughed about old memories, Rylie looked up at Luke, and was happy to have him. They had a great two months together, and she wouldn't trade it for the world. She thought she had been happy with Liam, but she didn't know real happiness until Luke climbed on that bus.

All her life, Rylie wanted more. She never felt like she belonged with the people around her. Her mom was ALWAYS working, and never had time for her. Her sister always felt like competition. Who would make mom happy? When she moved with her dad, things got better, but her dad never really understood her. Once One Direction came along, she could finally have a group she could play her music for and write songs to. It was really great, but with Luke, it continued to get better.

Luke looked down, and caught Rylie staring at him. He kissed the top of her nose. "What?" she asked.

"I'm just so lucky." Rylie whispered.

The bus screeched to a stop. Everyone looked around at the sudden halt, and Liam extracted himself from Sophia to see what was wrong. A minute later, he came back.

"We're at a rest stop." he said. "They got showers if anyone needs one. We might be a while cause Fred(the bus driver) said there's some snow stopping up one of the tires, and they have to get it out."

Louis and a few others jumped up, saying they needed one. The bands only got a shower every few days, so they took the opportunity quickly.

Rylie arched her back and looked out the window, watching little chunks of snow fall from the vast, black sky.

"C'mon!" Rylie smiled, getting up and pulling Luke's hand with her.

"What? Are we gonna take a shower together?" Luke asked. "Cause I'm down."

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