Part 11

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There really wasn't any time to go out, but Luke and Rylie made time. They had landed in Colombia, but Rylie was really supposed to be helping set things up at the stadium, and Luke was supposed to be in sound check with the guys. Instead, they snuck out just as the sun set, and found the closest little pub where they could fully enjoy each other without distractions.

Rylie walked beside Luke, dressed in a full-length trench coat, and Luke was happy in a light jacket. Their light source, the street lamps, guided them to a small, but efficient bar just a mile from the stadium. It wasn't a bad walk, since there was no other means of transportation. All the cars belonged to the crew, and they wouldn't have appreciated getting stolen from.

"This works right?" Luke asked, opening the door for Rylie.

"Yea." Rylie said, watching her breath form a circle in the air.

The inside of the pub was quite rustic and a little dirty. It was small, with a few middle-aged men sitting at tables. The Spanish styles were clear in the room, and the air smelled thick with liquor.  It wasn't much of a party like Luke and Rylie were looking for, but the quiet was nice.

Rylie followed Luke to the island, and they sat on the high stools. An old woman walked up to them, at least in her 60's. Her hair was red, with many gray hairs splotched all around her scalp. Her face drooped unpleasantly, and she looked pissed at the world.

"Can I see your ID?" she asked, her accent thick with Spanish.

Luke and Rylie showed that they were 18, and the lady asked what they wanted.

"I'll start off with a beer." Rylie said. She didn't want too much alcohol because she would most likely be walking Luke home, and she had to make sure he didn't do something stupid and get hit by a truck.

"A beer? Really?" Luke raised his eyebrows at Rylie.


"We are in Colombia. A pretty awesome place. We have the night. Order something and exotic."

"You just want to get me drunk..." Rylie smirked.

Luke looked at Rylie, and smiled. "That too..."

"Fine!" Rylie sighed. "Let's get a round of tequila shots."

Luke smiled. "That's my girl..." His hand slipped under the table, and gently squeezed her upper thigh.

Rylie breathed out nervously.

Right in front of their eyes appeared a plate with 6 shots, 3 on either side.

Luke and Rylie each picked one up, and clanked them together. "To...our...2-day anniversary." Luke toasted.

Rylie chuckled, and together, they sucked the liquor down. It went down smoothly, and a fire erupted in Rylie, leaving her wanting more. I guess that's how alcohol works.

"Another..." Rylie chirped.

"Good, huh?"


As the night grew on, more and more people started to enter the bar; people of all ages above 18.

Rylie was surprised they hadn't been interrupted by paparazzi yet. Her and Luke were in the bar at least an hour, just talking, and their phones vibrated every so often, but the whole point of the date was that they were trying to get away from everyone for awhile.

"Yea, me and the boys are working on some songs at the moment." Luke said, talking about a music topic. He sipped a glass of vodka, his head fuzzy, and his words slightly slurred.

"Really?" Rylie had drank less, but she too felt the effects of alcohol into her system.

"You think you could help me tonight?" Luke asked.

"I actually have a song you could use." Rylie said. She regretted it immediately.

"Cool! What about?"

Rylie bit her lip. The alcohol was making her say things she would have never told Luke. Luke hated it when she mentioned Liam, and the toxics in his system would make him even more mad at what she was about to say.

Rylie sighed. She had to tell him now. "Now keep in mind this was right after Liam broke up with me and my heart was broken. Nevertheless, it is a pretty good song, if I do say so myself."

"Oh well. What's it called?" Luke said nonchalantly.

Rylie was surprised. Maybe the comment about Liam went in one ear and out the other.

"It's called Amnesia, and we may have to tweak it a little, but I think it could be a hit." Rylie said that, but she wasn't sure if she really wanted that song to go public. She wrote it when she was grieving, and it was personal. Plus, once Liam found out she wrote it, he would surely make fun of her love for as long as possible.

Luke fell out of his seat onto the cold, wood floor.

"Luke? Are you alright?"

Luke looked up with red in his eyes, and started to laugh.

"Okay big guy, I think it's time to go home." Rylie pulled Luke up, and supported him on her shoulder.

Rylie fumbled for her purse and paid. She then helped Luke out the door, and onto the streets.

"I'm an idiot." Luke laughed.

"I know buddy..." Rylie patted his stomach with her free arm as the other wrapped around Luke to keep him from falling.

"I'M AN IDIOT!" Luke screamed into the night.

Drunk Luke was hot.

A ways down the street, Rylie saw an older man and a younger girl arguing by a street lamp.

"Just go away!" the girl screamed, walking backwards and trying not to trip over her stilettos.

The old man threw himself towards her, grabbing her body, and throwing it over his shoulder.

The girl kicked and punched, trying to wrangle free. "LET ME GO!"

"You're coming with me!"

Luke pushed himself off Rylie, and tackled the man to the ground. The girl pushed herself up, and stood a couple feet away.

Luke got up, and spat down at the man. "Leave her alone..." he growled, the darkness finding his eyes.

Rylie hadn't seen this side yet. He was seriously mad, and quite scary. Even in his drunken state, he was able to completely terrify Rylie.

The man ran off, and the girl stood cautiously by the two.

Rylie went to support Luke, but he no longer needed it. She was being a little cautious too. Within a matter of seconds, Luke went from cute and clumsy to a complete badass.

Rylie walked up to the shaking girl, and gave her support. "Are you okay?"

"Yea." No accent behind her voice; maybe a little southern even. The girl was easily Rylie's age, with long brown hair wrapped around her and green eyes that shone like a deer in the headlights. Her dress was too short, and her heels were too high, but she looked innocent and confused.

"Come with us." Rylie smiled warmly. "We'll help you out."

The girl looked hesitantly at Luke.

Rylie shook her head. "Don't worry. He's you."

Rylie was trying to be calm, but she could admit Luke was a little scary at times, and if she was in the girl's shoes, she would be hesitant too.

The girl followed Rylie and Luke down the road as they walked to their hotel. Sure there would be questions, but it was the right thing to do.

Luke and RylieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ