Part 17

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"Thea..." Rylie said again, this time with more resentment.

"Do I know you?" Thea said rudely, a scowl clear as day on her face.

"You really don't remember me?" Rylie asked, hating her more every minute. Man, what did Luke ever see in her? She was a slut, and the rudest, snobbiest girl possible.

Thea looked Rylie up and down, and then smiled. "Oh're Luke's girlfriend."

"You two know each other?" Niall asked, getting up, and buttoning his pants.

"Not really..." Thea answered. "We're only acquaintances."

Rylie shook her head. "What are you even doing here? You knew that Luke was here, didn't you?" she accused.

Rylie still couldn't believe that Luke was crazy about her. He had explained to her once that he was so in love to the point where he proposed at like...16. Maybe she changed. Rylie didn't want to think bad about her and go making assumptions. Maybe Thea wasn't that bad...but the 2 times Rylie had met her, she wasn't all.

Thea blinked her eyes innocently, and shrugged. "I was just fixing to get on a plane when I met Niall, and then..." she giggled like a little schoolgirl.

"Oh...shutup." Rylie spat. "You're a liar."

Thea laughed with an evil, smug grin. "Don't worry, honey. I'm not going to steal your little boyfriend away. He'll do a good job of screwing everything up himself."

Rylie looked at her with an odd expression. "You're the one who said no to his proposal!"

"Proposal?" Thea blinked. "He never proposed to me."

Rylie was confused. Was she remembering correctly? That's what Luke had told her.

"Then what really happened?" Rylie asked.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Thea smirked, giving her a wicked look. She turned to a stunned Niall, and blew him a kiss before she left the room, ending the conversation.

Rylie was dumbstruck. By the look on everyone's faces, they were too.

"I know you don't like her, Rylie, but that chick has a nice ass." Calum interjected.

Rylie shot him a glare, and passed the threshold into Niall's little space, closing the door behind her. She walked over to Niall, grabbed his shoulders, and pushed him back onto the couch.

"We need to talk." Rylie said.

She was still worried about Luke lying to her if what Thea said was the truth. It probably wasn't. Then again, the look on Thea's face was very believable. Nevertheless, Rylie had to talk with Niall about his behavior. It was getting out of hand.

"Let's talk then." Niall said, his eyes on Rylie as she sat down also.

"Why do you do that?" Rylie asked, and she meant it in the nicest way, but she was sick of Niall hurting and using girls like that. He would be so nice and then after he got what he wanted, send them crying on their way.

Niall sighed. "Cause I'm screwed up, Ry."

"Summer really likes you...why don't you give her a chance. A REAL chance."


Rylie could tell Niall didn't know how he was going to put his thoughts into words.

"Because..." Niall said again. "Summer is a great girl...and I don't want to hurt her..."

"Then don't."

"'ve known me forever...and you know that's how I am...and you can't change me. I refuse to hurt Summer, and I don't deserve her. That is why I won't give her the satisfaction." Rylie could tell Niall was pained at himself. He didn't like the way he was; it was just that he had been going through girls like water for so long that it just didn't matter anymore.

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