Dastan's conversation with Tus

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Dastan was in his room getting ready to go on a hunt for the princess until his oldest brother Tus walks in walking to him. "Dastan we need to have a talk." Tus tells him. 

"Make it quick i'm about to leave in a second." Dastan replies. 

"Why are you concerned about this woman so much? A woman you just met." Tus asked looking at him. Dastan stopped and looks at him. 

"Tus now is not the time for this. I'll apologize to father later and help find the murder of her father." He tells him looking in his eyes. 

"Dastan please. I got an idea but i'm not going to jump into any conclusions." Tus says looking in his eyes. 

"Tus really she could be lost, scared, hurting. She lost her father and got kidnapped. She didn't deserve that she's too good of a princess to have that happen." Dastan tells him finishing getting everything he needs and his swords in their sheaths. Tus soon looked at him with a knowing look. 

"Fine then i'm helping you." Tus said. Dastan looks at him as he walks to the door. 

"Up to you i'm not going to stop you." He tells him as he walks out to the horses. He soon got on the horse and rode off before his brother got to his horse ready. He is now on his way to his lady. 

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