Wedding Confirmed

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In the morning a week later when everyone was awake, King Sharaman called everyone in for a meeting in the council chambers. Soon everyone was there and the three royal sons walked up to him. "A week ago, Annabeth was sent here to choose which one of my sons she shall spend the rest of her life with. Have you not my lady?" Sharaman asked. She walked up and gives a small nod. 

"Yes your majesty." She replied quietly but people could still hear her. 

"Have you made your decision my lady?" He asked as he lowers his hand to her. She gently takes his hand and walks up beside the king and looks around. 

"Yes. A week ago on the day of my arrival with King Joseph my father, Persia was attacked and i was kidnapped by the person that killed the king and queen and some of the people. From what i've heard and seen there is only one person that even cared enough to come." She explained as she reaches out her hand to Dastan motioning him to come to her. He walked to her gently taking her hand. "I choose the man that cares. I choose Dastan." She said looking into his eyes as he walks to the side of her looking at her with a smile. She smiles still looking at him as she looked back at the people and the king. 

"It is settled then. Dastan she shall be your first wife." Sharaman said with a smiles looking at the connection between the two. Soon everyone clapped as both of the older brothers walked closer to them placing their hands on his shoulder. 

"Good job little brother." Garsiv tells him. 

"Thank you brother." He replied. 

Later on as the people kept clapping for them the two walked out to his room giggling a little bit and sits on his bed. 

Prince of Persia (Dastan x Oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora