The Ride Home and Dastan's confession

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The battle was finished and now they were on their way back to Persia. There wasn't enough horses so she rode with Dastan hanging on. She gently placed her head on his back trying not to fall asleep as he smiles looking over his shoulder at her. She slowly fell asleep as she hears him give him a small chuckle. 

When they got home, he looked at her with a small smile. He gently took her hands off his waist about to get off the horse. When he got off the horse he helped her down trying not to wake her up and carries her to his room laying her on his bed kissing her forehead. He walked to the door until she woke up and shot straight up scared as sweat starts to drip down from her forehead. He looked at her worried and walked straight to her. "Anna?" He asked as he sits in front of her. He gently moved his hand closer to her but she jumps scared looking at him. "Hey it's okay. It's just me." He whispered placing his hands gently on her arms. She soon relaxed a little and looks down ashamed. 

"I'm sorry." She whispered. He looked at her and lifts her head. 

"It's not your fault." He replied. 

"May i ask a serious question?" She asked. 

"Yeah of course." He answered. 

"Why do you care so much?" She asked. He looked at her and sighed. 

"The truth?" He asked. 

"Yes the truth." She replied waiting for an answer. He looked away as his face starts to turn red. 

"At the feast for you and your father, i couldn't help it. I want to be with you Annabeth. No i need you." He answered gently taking her hand. He slowly leaned in and so did she. When they were close enough they both kissed each other. When they released she soon turned red biting her lip. "Try to go back to sleep." He tells her rubbing her arms. She looked down and nods her head. 

"Okay." She replied as she goes to lay down. When she laid down she closed her eyes trying to sleep. He soon crawled in beside her and held her close to him. She was soon asleep snuggled on his chest. Later on he was asleep as well. 

Prince of Persia (Dastan x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now