The Forced Wedding

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(A.N. Above is the wedding dress for the forced wedding there will be another and different wedding dress later on.) 

"Get her ready. The union will start tonight." Jason ordered. 

"Yes your majesty." the guard and servant said as they bow before walking off. They both walked off to the room opening it to the two on the window sill talking about a way to escape. 

"My lady you must come with me please." The servant said. She looked at him worried out of her mind. He goes to ear whispering where the others can't hear him. 

"I'll come for you don't worry." He whispered in her ear. She looks at him and nods her head. 

"Okay." She replied as she stood up. She looked back at him as the guard grabbed her arm and dragged her out with the servant. They took her to a different room. The guard leaves as the servant starts working on her. As the servant works on her, she looks out the window nervous. 

"Why are you so scared my lady?" The servant asked. 

"I'm being forced into a marriage i don't even want. I already had my prince picked but i'm taken away from him." She answered looking at the servant. 

"You're in love?" She asked. 

"Yes i am but Jason wouldn't know a thing or two about love all he wants is power." She answered looking out the window. 

"Look your highness. I know how you feel i hope that the prince you love comes for you." The servant says to her as she finishes. She looked at the servant as the servant admired her. 

"Isn't this a bit too much?" She asked. 

"Yeah but trust me he likes too much." The servant answered looking in her eyes. 

"I don't though and i really don't care about what he likes i hope he dies in his sleep." She said looking down at it. 

"It'll be fine my lady come on his majesty us waiting." The servant told her as they walk out the door. She looked at the room that Dastan was left in and starts feeling worried. 

"I hope he comes." She thinks as she walks. They both get to the throne room where there is just a lot of guards. She slowly walks to Jason scared as she looks into the crowd for him. 

"You look beautiful my dear. It's a shame that you have to die after we marry." He tells her as she looks at him scared. She starts to shake as the union starts. 

"Annabeth is it your wish to become one with this man?" The priest said as she looks into the crowd and sees him. "Annabeth?" 

"Annabeth." Jason said looking at her. "Annabeth!" She looked back at Jason and the priest. 

"No it is not. This was out of pure force for nothing but power." She answered looking at the two. She then looked at Dastan and smiles as she walks to him gently reaches her hand out for him to take. "I choose the man that came all this way for me and my people." She told them as he takes her hand and pulls her in. She soon looked at Jason. "I will never choose a murderer and a tyrant like you." She spat as she placed her head on his chest. 

"You want it that way? Fine. Men prepare. We ride and attack at dawn. No exceptions." He ordered with a smug look. "Everyone dies." Just as the men was about to go follow the orders the Persian soldiers bursted through the doors surrounding them. 

"Try it i dare you to." Tus said as him and Garsiv walks to them. Garsiv placed his hand on Dastan's shoulder smiling. "Thank you brother and Lady Annabeth for the location of the murderer." Tus says looking at them. Jason soon looked at her in seething rage as he takes his sword out. 

"YOU!" He yelled as he walked closer to them. "I killed both of your parents and your people before and i'm not afraid to kill you." He goes to grab her arm but gets stopped. 

"Touch her and see what happens." The brothers tells him. Jason smiles looking at them. 

"Men attack!" He ordered as they start fighting. Soon everyone was fighting. It was getting closer to the end and Jason was fighting Annabeth only to get Dastan in the fight with them. Jason kicks him down and keeps fighting her. "Way to go you pathetic princess you just made Persia a target as well as your people. It's all your fault." He tells her as she slowly starts to lower her guard letting his words sink. 

"No! Don't listen to him!" He yells as he stands up. She just allowed his words get to her for a bit but goes back to fighting him out of pure anger. He soon had her sword out of her hands and went for a blow but gets stabbed from behind. He looked at the wound and collapses to the ground. She soon walked back in Dastan's arms placing her hands and head on his c

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