The Wind Warrior

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(This is going to be the first volume of One Piece but only about the second half and maybe a little bit of the second. And this is going to be the Sanemi route, this will be an OC/ book but it can be interpreted as a Male Reader as well. More details and such will be revealed later in future chapters. The picture above is going to be important later on. Not anytime soon but it'll be important)

After kicking their asses out of the bar, our hero (Not Luffy) who likes to go by Acrylic or Terror Wind. Ever since the incident with the mountain bandits he became almost obsessed with scars. Spouting out about how they were all about stories and that his future grandchildren would ask how he got so many and he'd tell them each individual story and the context behind them. Then after, he'd be at peace and die peacefully..... But this is an anime, who's gonna have the time to get grand children? Only time will tell at this point, but right now, Acrylic is floating away on a boat with his brother Luffy

Acrylic's POV:

People say that my 'thousand yard stare' is more terrifying than me when I smirk. I'm not that terrifying right? It's cause of it scars though that put people off the most, but that part doesn't bother me. These scars hold memories and most if not all, are great memories. Like when I first fought Shanks, despite being skilled with a blade and wielding a logia devil fruit, I didn't beat him simply because I told him to get serious. It was..... Exhilarating, I even got him to tell me about haki and I know that'll come in handy. Anyway, the water started growing a little more wild as the sea monster rose from it. The same one that took Shank's left arm, I wanted to cut it down to size so I drew my blade, only for Luffy to hold his hand out in front of me. My famous smirk crawled on my face, obviously offsetting the dangerous, giant sea eel. Luffy pulls back his arm farther than any normal being could do, and used the rebounding hit to smash in the week's face, sending it flying a few feet away unconscious. Me and Luffy.... What a dangerous combo, nothing would stand in our way to become the Pirate Kings.

(This next part is going into Chapter 1.1 Romance Dawn, I am going off of this entire series from volume to volume, so it'll have some weird interactions)

Luffy stood atop the front of this boat that this really disappointing captain owned. Seemed real small time since he didn't have a reliable bounty on him. He yelled out at Luffy

Mikazuki: "You bastard! You won't get away with this, don't you know who I am?!" I just scratched my nose before kicking the side of his head before muttering

"Shh.... You're being to damn loud, I worked up an appetite just from wasting energy on you guys. First enemy pirates and I thought you'd be a challenge..... You're lucky I don't cut your boat in two!" A vein outlined itself in my cheek as I stared at this Captain in anger. That got him to shut up, I don't even have to put any effort into being angry and people piss themselves. I felt a rather soft hand touch my shoulder so I turn to see Luffy with his huge grin, before asking something that shouldn't even surprise me.

Luffy: "Do you think they have any meat or food stores?" My face dropped slightly before I shake my head

"Luffy, we don't have any money.... But by going off of the fact that this bastard is too cocky for his own good" My thumb jerks over my shoulder right at Mika..... Zucchini? "He must be used to people being knowledgable of him, then going off of the fact that the townsfolk are hiding from the mere sight of his flag.... This man is a frequent visitor of this island" My foot stomps on Zucchini's back, forcing him back to the ground. "And the townsfolk should be willing to give us enough food till we get to the next island or more" Without any more words, I kick the Zucchini man in the side of his jaw, clocking him out before jumping off the boat. My eyes still intimidating to even new folk, I wait for Luffy to join me.

After a few more minutes of walking and sitting, we finally got to eat food. It's because Luffy ate all of it within three days... That bastard brother of mine has no self control, but.... I can't stay mad at him. We even met this girl named Shiruku who got a surprisingly inspirational talk from Luffy... It was pretty inspiring to say the least. At least to anyone with a heart that hasn't heard the story before, even got a smile out of me. As we all exit the bar, I notice someone approaching.... Someone with a familiar crescent shaped mustache, it made me narrow my eyes. Sure I didn't expect the rope to hold that long but it should have been enough until we got back. 'Maybe I did hold back on them, or I'm just getting weak..... I need to train more, who knows? Maybe someone will join Luffy's crew and fight with me all the time....' I muse silently to myself before noticing the two sidekicks of Mr.Zucchini-man rushing at me and Luffy. I barely raise my hand and a gust of wind blasts into their chest and stomach. Easily throwing them farther back and knocking them unconscious, a large smirk crossed my face before I turn to Gyari? I think his last name is Zucchini or something. He pulls out a pistol and aims it at me, my smirk never leaves my face.

Gyari: "You piss me off bastard! Now you'll die!" He prepares to shoot at me, but faster than anything that can humanely move. I unsheathed my sword and sliced his pistol apart, turning it into scraps of metal and wood that couldn't even be salvaged.

"Whenever you pull a pistol out, expect your life to be put on the line..... Or just don't pull it out in general dumbass!" Sweat poured down Gyari's face, before he and his, surprisingly, awake crewmates ran off screaming about me being a monster. Luffy was scratching his nose "Filthy rubber boy!" I smack his head with the sheath of my blade, causing his eyes to bug out and foam at the mouth. For some reason I was able to hit him even when punches aren't supposed to effect him, I normally just chalk it up to my weird powers or because I always considered my punches towards Luffy to be powered by love.

(It's actually the reason, back when I read the actual physical manga there were these little q/a corners in every volume and one of the questions was how can Luffy's crew hit him and physically harm him, Oda-sensei responds with "Because their punches are powered by love" or something to that extent. It's actually pretty comical)

Luffy: "Oww!! How can you just hit me like that?!" My eyes twitches as a intimidating aura covers my entire body

"Because you don't know how to even tie your shoe! All you know how to do is eat, sleep, fight and find food just to repeat the process!" I hit him once again, causing him to form comical bumps on his head. As he lay there, moaning in pain and smoking at the head. I turn to this girl and immediately calm down "Sorry about that, my idiotic brother. What's your name?"

Shiruku: "Oh, my name is Shiruku. What's yours?"

"Me? Well.... My name is Acrylic D. Dragon!! Remember it as it's a name that's gonna rock this world!!"

(Boom! First chapter done, it's a little more like filler but it's a chapter regardless. Now I left this as a cliffhanger which I will try to do every time I upload, it's to simply keep you guys interested. I will continuously write every time I get the chance. But I do have work and I only have two days off this week. Don't worry though, something interesting will be revealed in either the next chapter or the one after.... But as you can see, I will be going down the Wind Warrior route. I hope you all have a great time and I hope you enjoy my story!)

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