The Incident at the Bar

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(I skipped volume 9 since it's not that important and all of you should know what happens)

Buggy stared down Nami with a smug, evil grin before uttering a single sentence.

Buggy: "Do it" Now Luffy had found himself in a bit of a pickle, Nami had sorta betrayed him and tied him up before tossing him into a cage after reaching Buggy's main base. The entire Buggy crew started chanting 'Do it!' And 'Blow him to bits!!'

Nami: 'Oh no!! What do I do?! If I don't kill him, they'll kill both of us!' She looks at Luffy with wide and surprised eyes. 'He's just a no good pirate but if I kill him just to save myself.... Then I'll be no better than a lowly pirate!' Luffy stares at Nami with a sort of angered expression before Buggy interrupts the moment.

Buggy: "Nami!! Stop stalling and light the cannon now!!" His voice held more threat and authority than Nami was expecting and jumped in surprise.

Luffy: "Your hand is shaking...." Nami's eyes go even wider when she realizes that Luffy is right. "That's what you get for going up against a pirate unprepared!"

Nami: "Unprepared?! You mean not being prepared to kill someone to kill someone and walk away like nothing happens? Is that what it means to be a pirate?!" Luffy chuckles slightly before smirking proudly.

Luffy: "No, not at all..." Buggy's crew yells out 'Quit stalling!!' Before luffy continues "It means being prepared to risk your own life!" The crew continued their shouting and chanting 'Do it!' 'Blast him!' But suddenly, one of the crewmates walks up and snatches the box of matches from Nami's hand.

Pirate 7: "What's the matter new girl?! Don't ya know how to fire a cannon? It's easy..." Nami raises her shorts a little bit, grabbing onto her foldable baton "Just put the flame to the fuse and--" Nami struck quickly, bringing the long baton down on the pirate's neck, knocking him out quickly. Everyone looked surprised even Luffy, like he didn't expect Nami to help him after betraying him.

Buggy: "Traitor!! And after I welcomed you into my crew!!"

Luffy: "Whoa! You are going to save me after all?!"

Nami: "Don't be stupid, I just got carried away. No way am I going to become a low-down murderer like you!" Nami seemed to get angrier the more she went on. "You pirates took someone dear to me, I'll never become something I hate!" Luffy seems surprised before nodding slightly.

Luffy: "So that's why you hate pirates..." But his face turns into one of surprise and fear, as he noticed something. "Uwahh!!! The fuse is lit! I'm gonna die!"

Buggy: "You tried to make a fool of me you little wench!! And for that, you die!" Buggy's crew all dash towards Nami, she swings but all of the jesters in the court dodge and smirk before yelling, simultaneously, "You missed!" The entire time she was trying to fight them back, the fuse was continuously burning, getting closer and closer. Luffy was getting scared before yelling out 'I'll never give up!' But it proved to be Nami's breaking point as she dropped the baton and gripped the lit end of the fuse with her bare hands, wincing in pain. The situation seemed bleak as the jesters jumped at Nami with their blades out but they all stopped as some had blade sheathed smashed into their face while others were punched in the mouth. Two certain individuals with green and white hair, respectively, stand there with angered expressions.

Acrylic: "How many pirates does it take to deal with one girl" The infamous Saikuron terā goddobureido (Cyclone Terror God Blade) at his side while Zoro stood next to him with her own three blades before both turn to Luffy as he sits in the cage.

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