"Two new opponents to crush!"

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Captain Buggy looked down at Boodle and Acrylic, a face of pure anger washed over him when be saw the white haired pirate smirk like he could care less about the clown-y pirate captain.

Acrylic: "Oi! Big nose, come down here and fight me or are too chicken shit to do that?!" Everyone seemed to pale as Buggy's eyes twitched, and he pointed at Acrlyic before yelling out.

Captain Buggy: "First one to bring me his head will be rewarded with gold and seat as my third in command or... Second in command if you can beat him Cabaji." The entire crew of jesters seemed to yell out in excitement before the old chief had to say his own bit.

Boodle: "I'm challenging you Buggy! I'm here because you destroyed my treasure, left an entire village in ruin and ruined innocent lives for nothing!" Buggy seemed to be stunned before immediately replying back with:

Buggy: "That's stupid! When you say treasure, the things that come to mind is gold and jewels! There's nothing  that can compare to finding such a valuable treasure!"

Boodle: "Don't you dare mess with me! I never would've dreamed that I'd realize my love for this village if it wasn't for you, so get the hell down here!" Then, a ting like the complete child that he is, Buggy smirked angrily and yelled out.

Buggy: "I don't wanna!!" Using the powers of his devil fruit, Buggy's hand launches off and grabs Boodle by the throat. But, Acrylic seemed to be careless about the entire situation as he stared down at Cabaji with a menacing grin.

Acrylic: "Don't worry old man, you won't die. So... Don't fret, don't be afraid. Let me, and my captain to do the rest." Hearing Acrylic's words made all the worries in the chief's mind disappear. And as Acrylic's sword was pulled, Luffy grabbed Buggy's disembodied hand. "Thanks Luffy... Now, leave this circus act to me... I haven't been able to stretch my muscles."

Luffy: "Alright, but don't overdue it. You know what happened last time." Getting a small flashback to.... Nevermind. Acrylic shook off the memory but still shook his head, laughing slightly.

Acrylic: "Now swordsman, let's get down to business..." Pulling his blade loose from the sheathe, he gives it a little twirl before lunging at the unicycle, sword wielding man with the intent of leaving more than a few.... Memories. "I'll do you a favor Cabaji, I'll let you get in the first shot. But be warned." The air suddenly got very heavy, not just metaphorically, but quite literal as well. The ground cracked beneath them but didn't break apart. "You better make it count, because I will not hold back after that!" Cabaji started to sweat out of nervousness, the chief he could handle no doubt. But something about this... Kid made his skin crawl, he felt as if the thing in front of him, isn't a human but instead a demon.

Cabaji: "Alright, but that's your funeral!" Lunging with an odd amount of precision, Cabaji adjusted the blade so that it would guarante to hit a vital spot, but... Upon such forceful contact with the smug  white haired teen, the blade broke into numerous shards and pieces. Looking stunned, Cabaji couldn't prepare for the sudden punch that slammed into his side with such force that it felt like a hammer had slammed into him. But his eyes went wide upon hearing what Acrylic said. 'Shotgun' And in an instant, Cabaji found himself slammed into the side of a building. His unicycle in a pile of scrapped metal soon landed beside him.

Acrylic: "Alright, just stay there. You won't be hurt as long as you stay there." The others were shocked, a single blow fell their beloved Cabaji, they all started realizing how much shit they've gotten into. But by the time Acrylic could notice the others staring and whispering about him. Buggy had already fired a ball at Luffy for calling him a 'Big red, ugly nose'. Sure it sounded childish, but Buggy grew even angrier. And Acrylic had to knock the poor chief unconscious and toss him somewhere safe. Luffy grew like a balloon and bounced the very 'dangerous' Special Buggy ball and destroyed the whole building where the jester crew resided. Zoro and Nami seemed utterly surprised at what had just happened while Acrylic went in to give his brother an affectionate nuggie (I don't know how to spell that) before yelling out in triumph.

Zoro: "Ya could've said something sooner. Had us worried there for a second." But Nami had gone on a tangent about Luffy being a monster and asking once more 'What the hell are you even?!'

(This update is a little shorter than the others, and I apologize for that, but to make up for it, I'll be working on the next update immediately! Have a good day and I might see you all later!)

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