Ooh, Shiny!

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Nami/Boodle: "Ahhhh!!!!" They both screamed at the sight of Luffy being perfectly fine, even though both Acrylic and Luffy explained it to Nami.

Boodle: "What the hell?! How are you still alive?" As he yelled, he pointed at Luffy like he was a monster, which in certain terms, he is. But Luffy seemed more confused than the both of them as he simply asked a rather... Straightforward and blunt question.

Luffy: "Can't I be alive?"

Nami: Jabbing her finger over at the building that Luffy was thrown through she yells a bit louder than neccessary. "You smashed through a building, but you seem to be perfectly fine, that's a little too weird!" Luffy just shrugs it off by saying:

Luffy: "Well I don't care if it's weird." He even looked a little offended, which is slightly understandable.

Boodle: "What is your goal here? Why fight pirates?" Luffy let out a small laugh before glancing over at an approaching shadow.

Luffy: "I just chose my goal a moment ago! I'm getting a map of the Grand Line and a navigator!" The smile only grew larger when Nami felt a hand upon her shoulder before being moved out the way, she noticed the metallic sheen that covered the white haired individual's hand before it abruptly disappeared... She would log it in for later to ask him... Among a couple of other things.

Acrylic: "Luffy, what have I said about planning at the last moment and without other's consent?" Smacking Luffy's head without any further words, Acrylic turns to face the village chief and smirk slightly. "Sorry about my idiotic brother, anyway the reason he survived is because he's a devil fruit user. We both are. Which is why Mohji's face is buried in the ground right now." Cracking his fingers, he turns back towards the direction of a certain dog barking before smiling. "You have one tough dog, he stands up for what's his and what he holds dear." Shushu starts barking, thinking that Mohji had finally stood up and walked away, Acrylic just shrugs and wraps his arm around Luffy's neck. "Ya know, this guy here can eat an entire buffet but eat a whole turkey I seconds only minutes later! He's an air head but he's my brother, all of our crewmates are family. Sure we only have Zoro but we're gonna get more. This guy here has a habit of finding trouble. Oh! Speaking of Zoro, I'm gonna go check on her, makes sure she's alright... That weird fur guy really creeped me out." Shuddering slightly, Acrylic let's go of Luffy before walking back towards the shop. But upon turning the corner, the scent of burning wood wafted through his nose. Eyes going wide with surprise and rage, he sees the last thing that he was hoping for.... The sight of the food shop being burned to the ground, with Shushu barking at the flaming remains. Words spoken from before, when Acrylic has spoken to Boodle swam through his head.


Boodle: "Well obviously this store is a treasure to Shushu! He'd guard it with his life."

(End of Semi-Flashback)

Even Luffy had come to see what was happening, and even he was angry.

Acrylic: "Luffy.... I'm gonna kill that bastard.... Come on..." The wind started to react violently and kick up small tornados that reached the height of the buildings. And suddenly the two brothers were in front of Mohji and his lion Richie. "You.... After I buried your head in the goddamn dirt, still have the audacity to get up and burn down a treasure?.... Maybe I'm getting weak, I'll have to train more when we kick Buggy's ase, possibly even break his clown nose.... Sounds like a good time."

Mohji: "I-it's you two! Didn't I kill you?! And you dare talk bad about the great Buggy-sama?!"

Acrylic: "It's not shit-talking if I follow through with it. I already know how his devil fruit works.... So his surprise attacks won't work on me." His right arm disappears in a whirl of wind but came back as clawed and scaled. "This time, I will put a LOT more power into this hit... And Luffy will take care of the Lion." In an amazing show of speed, he disappears and reappears right in front of Mohji, his fist already pushing Mohji off of Richie. Being sent through a building, Acrylic follows through after Mohji. Meanwhile Luffy was easily taking care of the lion. A loud 'Gomu-Gomu Hammer' reached Acrylic's specially  trained ears despite the loud desperate pleas of Mohji begging him to be let go. "Why should I care what you say or want? You didn't stop hurting Shushu, sure I can't bring back the store.... But knocking you unconscious and bloody will make me feel a whole lot better!" One particularly loud, and girlish, scream was heard throughout most of the town as Mohji was knocked unconscious.

(Very Small Timeskip)

Nami: "Those two.... And that guy.... Pirates are all the same! Crushing everything that's precious to others!!" Acrylic and Luffy approached, with the aforementioned male being more bloodied than the latter.

Acrylic: "Huh? Oh, hey Navigator. Hello Chief.... And I'm sorry Shushu... I couldn't save your store." Bowing to the dog in sorrow, a grim but bright smile covered his face. "But the only thing I can offer is this." While Acrylic was apologizing to the small and bloody dig, Luffy was angering Nami by saying such dumb stuff...  But before long, Chief Boodle grabbed Nami by her arms and pulled her back. Although, it was proved to be useless cause what happened next calmed her down. Luffy placed a bag of dog food in front of Shushu.

Luffy: "Sorry, that's the only one we could bring back. Everything was either burned or eaten, can you believe it?" Acrylic sits up and runs his hand over the dog's matted and bloodied fur before smiling. Shushu picks up the food and walks down the street slightly before turning and barking at the both of us.

Acrylic/Luffy: "Yeah, you be strong as well!/We'll come back and see how strong you've become!"


Buggy: "Mohji was defeated?!" One of the jester replied with a yelled 'Yes Captain!' "Prepare all the Special Buggy balls we got! We're gonna turn this town into dust!"

(Big, fat oof my readers. I'm sorry for being so late to update this, writer's blockade dn lack of motivation were very annoying to deal with. Not to mention Dead by Daylight has recently put out an event and I'm trying to grind Bloodpoints... Anyway, I hope this one is as good as the others, have a good day and I might put out another one within the week)

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