Meeting Pirate Hunter Zoro

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"So he's a monster huh? We need strong people like that in our crew, but something tells me this isn't gonna be as easy as we hope Luffy" I rest my back against the mast while Luffy sits on the protruding neck of the ship.

Koby: "Rumor says he's like a bloodthirsty bloodhound, hunting down fugitives as he wanders around the sea...."

Luffy: "Oh yeah?"

Koby: "Let's just drop the idea of recruiting him" I bash my hand against Koby's head before a tic mark appears on my forehead.

"You're not even part of this crew Koby! You have no right butting into our personal business.... You plan on joining the marines anyway, so once our crew rocks the world you'd be the one to smile"

Luffy: "I still haven't decided if I wanna recruit him or not, but if he's a good person...."

Koby: "That's why he's arrested! Because he isn't a good person!"

(Le Timeskip, because there isn't anything else to write)

"Heh, finally made it to the base. Woulda been longer if it wasn't for Koby's basic navigation skills and my wind" A proud smirk was on my face but Koby seemed to be disappointed.

Koby: "Well yeah, it's still basic navigation skills. You two need a navigator----"

Luffy: "Alright! Let's go find a place to eat some meat!" I shake my own head before following after him

(Another timeskip, sue me)

After having our fill of food and drinks, Luffy sat back and pat his stomach, for once he's full but that's because he almost drained his pocket money in one go.

"Alright Koby, looks like we go our different ways here.... You have the potential to become a great marine. And once you become an admiral..... We'll fight!" I give Koby a thumbs up before he starts leaking tears, which made me frown "Stop crying dammit! This isn't where you should be crying!"

Koby: "A-alright! But you have to promise me that you'll become a great pirate too! It still hurts to think that from the moment you leave here..... We'll be enemies" Luffy laughs slightly before turning to me.

Luffy: "Hey do you think that Zoro is still being held at the marine base?" Suddenly, tables, plates and food fly everywhere. Seems like they're terrified of Zoro's name.

Koby: "Looks like you can't say his name too loud, the townsfolk seek terrified of him.... Oh! I saw a notice on the streets, there's someone called Lieutenant Morgan at the base" Even more stuff goes flying, this surprises even me. Koby seems exasperated and Luffy is..... Being Luffy. Nothing surprising there.

(Another timeskip, barely a few minutes later)

Luffy: "Hahaha! What a funny restaurant, I wanna go there again sometime!"

"Well, when you get your own money then I don't mind going with you.... And don't even think about stealing my money or else your head is going in the ground!!"

Koby: "That was strange.... I feel like something bad is going to happen...." I was walking beside them, my hand on my chin in thought.... Koby is right, the wind here is heavily laced with lies. It makes me want to almost vomit. People lying would never work on me, the wind about them always changed even if they are the most experienced liars and cheaters.... They can't change the wind about them, only I can.....

Luffy: "Well he could've done something bad...." Koby seemed surprised and unbelieving.

Koby: "T-that's impossible! Being part of the Navy means you're a good guy!"

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