Chapter 18

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"Come now. We have things to do." A draguar was following Hela . The two made their way through Asgard in direction of the bifrost. To both of their surprise, the sword that activates the bifrost was missing.

The goddess narrowed her eyes in anger before turning around and walking away. The draguar caught up to her and she said "We'll find the sword. Whoever took it can't be too far away. We have more important things to do. "

She took them to the throne room. But Hela stopped and felt a deep anger flow through her as she looked at the images.

"This is what Odin replaced the truth with?" She hissed out as she took in the pictures of Thor and Loki. "Look at these lies. Goblets and Garden parties?" She hissed. She looked at the next images. "Peace treaties?" She said no more, instead opting to create multiple blades and strike the ceiling at different points.

The ceiling began breaking before completely falling down. New images appeared, Soldiers in battle. Blood. A giant war wolf. Young Odin and young Hela. Slaves building the palace.

"We were unstoppable. I was his weapon in the conquest that built Asgard's empire. One by one, the realms became ours" Hela said with anger in her voice "But then, simply because my ambition outgrew his...he banished me, caged me, locked me away like an animal." She continued.

Hela enters the vault and descends the stairs towards the magical items.

Hela stopped at a golden gauntlet.

"Fake." She said as she knocked it over. "most of this stuff is fake anyways."

"Weak" She commented as she looked at the casket of ancient winters.

The crown of surtur she noted was smaller than she expected. The tesseract was in her opinion 'not bad'. Finally she came across the item she was looking for.

"Now this... is truly special. The eternal flame." She said as she dipped her hand in it, She pulled it out and the draguar watched as the flames danced in the palm of her hand. Hela produced a weapon out of her sleeve and proceeded to smash the ground until a portion caved in. Looking down all that could be seen was darkness. The goddess turned around.

"Want to see what the real power looks like? " She asked before letting herself fall backwards into the pit. She flipped right side up on the way down and landed gracefully. She looked at the bodies of all her warriors and her trusted dog in sadness.

"With the eternal flame you are reborn." She exclaimed before slamming her hand on the wolf The flames turned green and began consuming the whole wolf. Fenris' eyes glowed before it too began standing on all fours.

"I've missed you." She said looking at Fenrir.


There was a family running from the city , they were followed by a Draguar. The family make their way through a narrow pass but then the son runs right into a tall, immovable object... It was Hemidall.

"Excuse me." In one swift motion Heimdall draws the BI-FROST SWORD, steps forward and slashes through the Drauger , ending it.

"Follow me . " Hemidall said , and then he approached the steep face of the mountain. Carved into the rock is YGGDRASIL, the world tree. Heimdall kneels, whispers a few words under his breath , a huge section of the mountain face disappeared. There were hundreds of Asgardians who fled the city after Hela's invasion are living here. Men, women, and children. Strong and weak, young and old.

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