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Ok so this is my personal favorite ship for Sophie. 

Keefe is a much better match for Sophie because they balance each other out. Sophie is uptight and really doesn't like breaking the rules for fun. Keefe on the other hand, thoroughly enjoys breaking rules. I feel that then being opposites are one way that they are perfect for each other. 

They also have a great chemistry that has formed over the series. Especially when Keefe left for the Neverseen and came back. I mean, come on, how is that not an epic hero story? According to John Gottman, there are five types of couples. Sophie and Keefe fall under the Validating Couple catagory. They really try to understand the other's point of view, and often compromise at the end of an argument. Which is exactly what Sophie and Keefe do! They are always there for each other and always come out of disagreements stronger and united. It truely is a better ship. 

If you have any comments on this argument, please comment here and be respectful to both myself and others. I'm all for discussion, not heated conflict. 

I think I'm going to do Sophitz next, and if you haven't guessed already, I am going to refute it. 

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My Reasoning Behind KOTLC ShipsWhere stories live. Discover now