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Ok, so I know what you're thinking. Why do I keep doing the Sophie ships? Should I just rename the book to why I ship/do not ship Sophie with kotlc characters? No, I promise you, this is the last ship I will be covering having to do with Sophie. If you were looking for more Sophie beyond this chapter, well, go read a different book. (JK JK Keep reading!) 

This ship has definitely been one of the most laughed upon ships in the kotlc fandom. In fact, several memes have been made against this ship. Don't believe me? Type in "Sodex memes" into your web browser. You will literally see anything against Sodex, or memes of Sophie's reaction to their kiss. All of which look down on this ship. If you are thinking that I am going to approve this ship, well, keep reading.

I think Sodex is one of those ships that could have been really cute if Sophie wasn't related to Dex through adoption. I get that they're not biologically related, but their basically cousins. (more or less) I just think it's kind of weird, and I think many in the fandom agree with me on this. 

Sodex is simply one of those ships that seems like it would be fun if it worked, but it's not going to work. Shannon Messenger has made that very clear, Dexiana on the other hand, may end up being canon. Personally, Dex is one of my favorite characters and he has such a sweet and shy personality, that I personally identify with. We are both introverts, we both long for attention and approval from others, (why do you think I'm taking the time to write this?) and we both are good at staying out of trouble. Seriously though, Dex doesn't get in on ANY of the action! Also, I've only ever had crushes that turned out to be total flops where the guy totally friend-zones me. (Don't hate on these guys, all of them are really sweet!) But that's another way me and Dex are similar. 

Overall, Dex and Sophie would have made a great couple and they do make a great ship. But I just don't see it working out because of the family situation. I mean, tell me I'm wrong. How many of you would marry your cousin?

Thank you for reading! Place any comments about my argument here. Remember to be respectful of myself and others!

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