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(There is no banner for this one cause I got lazy and didn't want to make one)

Alright, I would not have done this chapter on my own. My friend asked me to do this because she knows people in Discord who ship this. I am doing this on both her's and my behalf. 

Kam does not work AT ALL. Both Keefe's and Tam's personalities are way too similar. They are both extremely stubborn, they are concerned for others (even though they don't show it), and they both have a girl they would die for (Sophie and Linh). They are also both introverts. 

Now, I know what you are thinking, "Keefe is NOT an introvert, he is outgoing and always talking!" Well guess what, I BEHAVE THE SAME WAY! I am an introvert, but I am always cracking jokes (except in my writing for some reason) and talking. I enjoy quiet time and having a peaceful setting to work in. Keefe is the same way! He often goes off alone and works on things. Keefe is also super secretive. He also doesn't like a lot of physical contact. (#nohugs) Now, Tam is about everything you associate with an introvert. He's secretive, he's quiet (he literally only speaks when necessary) and does NOT follow what other people say. (Take his parents for example)

Either way, its not a good ship. They aren't fond of each other now, and they probably never will be. Sorry Kam shippers, but that's the facts. Now, if you are looking for a Tam ship after Legacy, Glam is the way to go! I'll do a chapter on this one later, but I need to fulfill my promise to Lylie.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter. Please remember to be respectful! Bye-bye!

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