Sophitz (and a non-ship related argument)

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(So that title is SO click bait. XD)

Ok, so enough of this proofy writing I did in the last one. Now for the hardcore, from my soul stuff. I used to ship Sophitz. Yeah, I know, crazy right? But it's true. While I was reading the first couple of books I was all for Sophitz, but as the series has gone on, it has become apparent that Fitz is not the one for Sophie. I mean, sure, he's got perfect eyes and a perfect smile, but he's just an overgrown toddler. He has such a bad temper, I'm afraid to even say I once liked him. I'm rereading the series right now and I'm on Everblaze. I can definitely see why I liked him, but even in Exile, he wasn't all that great of a person. I mean, you can't blame Sophie for your dad being overcome by guilt and stuff. Sure, she was the secret Prentice was hiding, but the thing is, Alden could have rejected the council's order and said he wouldn't do it and they would have to find a different telepath to do it.

Ok, I'm gonna go a little offtrack of this ship for a sec to talk about how much I hate the Elves' form of government. The council is a form of government called an oligarchy. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, oligarchy is defined as "a government in which a small group exercises control for corrupt and selfish purposes." If you truely love this series, you will see that this is exactly what the council is. (Especially when Alina became councillor) The council basically turned into a power that is not controlled in favor of the people, no matter what any of the Councillors say. Sorry, but that's what it is. The council has made several decisions that have poorly affected the lost cities people, such as healing Fintan's mind, (They lost Kenric!) restricting Sophie's powers by using her best friend's invention, and overall being horrible leaders. I'm with the citizens of the lost cities on this one. I do not approve of the council and their decision making skills.

Ok so this basically turned into me arguing about why the council is horrible.( XD) If you have any respectful comments or arguments, comment here. 

Thanks for reading!

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