Keefiana (and a little bit of Sokeefe)

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Can I tell you how much this ship would have made sense if Sokeefe didn't exist? A LOT OF SENSE! I mean, sister-best friend ships are not uncommon. Take Harry Potter for example! Harry and Ginny are a perfect example of this, and they made it work. I mean, J. K. Rowling says she regretted putting Ron and Hermione together, but I disagree. The trio wouldn't have become an actual family if Harry married Hermione. I still think it was a good choice. (Ron may have ended up with Lavender *shudders*) 

Enough about Harry Potter ships. Back to KoTLC. I think Keefiana would have worked out if Sophie ended up with Fitz or Dex, but from where Shannon Messenger is going, I think we will end up with Sokeefe in the end. 

Keefiana would have been super cute because Biana had a crush on Keefe for at least 4 books. If Keefe had eventually felt the same feelings for her, I think it could have ended up with an adorable couple. I mean, they both have a fashion sense.

But, here are the cons to this ship. Keefe needs someone who will keep him sane (literally). Biana is kind of high maintenance and I think if they ended up married, it would have been a very high maintenance relationship with a lot of frustration and confusion. 

Overall, I think this ship would have been a fun ship to follow, but Keefe and Sophie are too perfect for each other for this to work out. 

That's my personal opinion. If you have any comments about what you think about this ship, comment here! Thanks for reading!

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