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Honestly, Biana has just as many ships as Sophie, and they don't get enough controversy. But, I can see why. Keefiana, Tiana, and Dexiana would all work for Biana. 

Before Legacy, I think Tiana was the most popular ship for Biana. I mean, I can see it. Tam and Biana have such opposite personalities to where it makes sense. Tam is this dark and brooding character, while Biana is all about the sparkles. They would be a good couple because Biana could get Tam to loosen up, and Tam could get Biana to...Biana to...honestly, I don't think Tam could convince Biana to do anything. The girl literally vanishes her way into everything, so maybe Tam will be the only one changing. 

I don't think it's gonna work out in the series cause, hello, Legacy! Glimmer is here now, and there were some obvious Dexiana moments. I'm fangirling way to hard right now. I don't want to get into Dexiana too much cause I want to make another chapter dedicated to this ship. 

Wow, I didn't have much to say about Tiana. Maybe deep down I knew this ship was never gonna sail so I didn't get myself hyped about it. I don't know. I still stand by my belief that the existing Biana ships can not go wrong, but some of them are just more likely to sail than others.

Thank you so much for reading! Oh and I'm taking suggestions on what ships I should talk about next. I can guarantee that I will not do all the ships that are requested, sorry y'all. 

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