Bad at This

54 4 1

Pairing: Seiya Sanada/FC

Category: Fluff

Warnings: brief mention of smut

"Bad at love, no I'm not good at this." Tell Me You Love Me by Demi Lovato


He was really, really bad at this. But he was trying. You wanted to be mad, but he just looked so lost and helpless that you took pity on him. You had to remember he was new to this. You were going to have to take baby steps with him.

Oh no here we go again

Fighting over what I said

I'm sorry, yeah I'm sorry

Bad at love, no, I'm not good at this

"Oh Seiya," You sighed with a rueful shake of your head. "I want to slap you so bad, but you just look so pitiful."

Seiya Sanada groaned and dropped his head. This. This was exactly why he didn't do this love crap. He sucked at it. He loved her. At least he thought he did. Was pretty sure he did. Having never felt love before he couldn't be one hundred percent sure, but he was pretty confident this was it.

"Baby," You said hand reaching out to tip his chin back up. "I love you to death for trying. Believe me. But you don't have to try so hard. Just let it come naturally."

"That's the problem. It doesn't come naturally. If I don't try you won't know." He said through gritted teeth. He was beyond frustrated with this whole concept. How was he expected to remember she hated chocolate? He wanted to make a gesture so he sent her a batch of the finest chocolate assortment money could buy. And it got him yelled at before she took pity on him.

Oh, tell me you love me

I need someone on days like this, I do

On days like this

Oh tell me you love me

"I know Seiya." You reassured him. "I don't need grand gestures. Especially ones that are going to remind me that you can't be bothered to remember little things about me." You winced as that came out much more snippily than you intended. And he definitely noticed.

"I am bothered. That's why I'm even trying. But if you don't appreciate it then maybe I shouldn't even try." He rose to his feet, his chin set in that stubborn tilt you saw so very often with him.

"Sit down Seiya. We're not doing this again." You scolded him, pointedly staring until he sat back down, arms folding petulantly across his chest. He somehow always managed to turn this stuff around on you and made you feel bad. It drove you insane, and if you thought it was deliberate you would be out the door. It was just so ingrained in who Seiya Sanada was to manipulate situations that it was second nature to him now. He didn't even realize he was doing it half the time.

"I love you Seiya. I get that you have years and years of selfish manipulative behavior to unlearn. So I'm cutting you a lot of slack. But don't try to turn this around on me. I told you at least five times I hate chocolate. You should remember that."

Everything I need

Is standing in front of me

I know that we will be alright, alright, yeah

Through the ups and downs

Baby, I'mma stick around

"I'm....." He huffed out an aggravated breath, looked down at his loafers and mumbled. "I'm sorry. I love you too. You're important to me so I will try to remember things you tell me."

"Thank you. That wasn't so hard was it?" You asked with a smile, placing your hand on his knee and rubbing it.

"It was like having my teeth ripped out with pliers." Sanada said grumpily making you laugh in delight. He was just so adorable when he pouted.

"My poor baby." You mocked climbing into his lap and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Whatever shall I do to make it up to you?" You could practically see the light switch flick on in his eyes, as you fell into familiar territory. This was his playing field. He could handle this part.

He bit his bottom lip, looking into your face with those bedroom eyes of his and you immediately felt the effect. You definitely weren't immune to his charms.

"I think a blow job would make me feel much better." He said, that smooth voice of his sending shivers of desire through you and before you knew it you were sliding off his lap, hands reaching for his belt buckle as he smirked down at you.  

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