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It was 4am and Ally was finally getting to sit down in the nurses station. She nursed her cup of coffee between her hands as she checked her phone for the first time since her shift started 8 hours ago. She had a message from Katie which was sent just after 11.

I hope your shift goes ok. Me and Megs miss you like crazy. I hope my hoodie keeps you warm while I'm not there too ❤️ I love you Al xxx

Ally couldn't help but smile. She lifted her baggy sleeve to her nostrils. Breathing in the faint smell of Katie's intoxicating perfume. She missed her little family like crazy too but Katie had packed her own favourite zip hoodie in Ally's bag before Ally had set off for work. It's the little things that Ally loves the most. She always worried her and Katie's relationship would change when Megan came along but the truth was, they loved each other even more. They were a 100% committed to each, they loved each other more then anything. Maybe it took going through everything they did for them to realise that. They knew they were no angels but they were finally happy together and Megan coming along just made their lives and love even more special.

Katie lay in their bed wide awake. She tossed and turned for best part of the night. She hated Ally being away from Ally but they were used to it by now so she knew that wasn't what was keeping her awake, no it was definitely something else. It more likely the fact Lynne was back and she was even more devious than she was before. One thing Katie was going to do differently around this time, she was going to fight for what she wanted and keep Ally the hell away from Lynne.


"So what can I do for you Thomas" Lynne said smugly as she walked into her kitchen. Katie reluctantly followed the other surgeon. She looked around the spacious home. It was nice but not somewhere Katie could call home. Katie wondered if Ally had ever came over here. Her anxiety was building in the pit of her stomach as she clenched and unclenched her fists at the thought of her wife with this jackass in front of her.

What did it matter if Ally had ever been here or not. Katie's marriage was now over and she needed to try and accept it. Why was she here then? Why did she get into her car drunk and risk her own life as well as others on the road and drive 15 minutes to the gated community where Lynne lived? What was the point of it? It's not as though it's going to bring Ally back.

Lynne had poured two tumblers of scotch by the time Katie had came around from her racing thoughts.

"Have a seat" Lynne suggested with her right hand now holding out a glass of that all too familiar burning liquid to Katie.

Katie snatched the glass of Scotch and sat on the L shape sofa. Downing the whisky in one, she shuddered as it settled in her empty stomach. Luckily the bowel surgeon had brought the bottle over to the coffee table and Lynne was already pouring her broken hearted colleague another glass.

"I hate whisky" Katie mumbled, letting two more shots of the Scotch burn it's way down her throat. 

"You don't come across like you do" Lynne scoffed as she twisted the cap off the bottle and poured a heartbroken Katie another glass.

"So why do you look so gloomy anyway?You have gotten what you wanted. Ally gone. Why do you look like someone pissed in your corn flakes?" Lynne joked and Katie could have leapt at the blonde there and then but what would it have achieved? Her punching the shit out of Lynne wouldn't bring Ally back. It was pointless. Everything was pointless!!

"This is all your fault" Katie mumbled, staring down at the brown liquid at the bottom of her glass as it swayed from side to side.

"Hey hey hey now, don't pin your marriage problems on me" Lynne said defensively, holding both hands up in the air with an arrogant smug across her stress free face.

Fading Scars (Sequel to Wound Healing) GirlxGirl Where stories live. Discover now