Into The Night/Trip Down to the river

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*Yomishi stands there staring at the wolf right*



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Yomishi:....*staring at Ame in his wolf form*.......*without her glasses on*.......
*standing on the open at the Full moonlight Illuminated Ame and Haru*....The Honshu Wolf they're very Alive........

Ame:......*stops looking at the sky as he stares at Yomishi*.....*Approaches Yomishi with Haru by his side*...*Yomishi backing away and gets her Camera out of her Backpack Quickly and runs back to the opened porch*

Yomishi: .....The wolf is gone....*looks down sadly and sees the footprints*....0-0.....* smiles for hope of seeing the wolf again* *she get her shoes on and put on her glasses on and sneaks out and closes the sliding door stealthily*.....

*but then shows Yuki peeking an eye out showing she heard yomishi leaving secretly*

*Yuki gets up and sneakily opens the window to jump out, about to turn wolf until she stops*

Yuki: ......*Sighs runs in to get her shoes and starts going after Yomishi to look after her*

Haru: *she bumps into Haru accidentally hitting Haru with her legs* "Ow!, watch your step you hu-oh yuki you're up!"...*shows Haru with a owl*
Yoru: "Who is she?."
Haru: "Yoru this is Yuki, she's Master's sister."

Yuki:Hey guys, can you please tell me what is Ame trying to do here?!

Yoru: "She can understand us!?"

Haru: "Oh you know just Master sparking belief that The Honshu Wolf is real to Yomi-chan very thoughtful despite his arm is in bad shape.

Yuki: ....That's what I was worried about, that he's going to make his arm worse!

Yoru: "I can help you find him, we owls are night birds for a reason! Follow me but watch what's ahead of you!. *flies up looking around and sees Ame from a distance* Follow me!"

Haru: *Yuki follows Yoru* Yuki wait *runs after her* you don't know what's in these woods! *Yuki assure him that she knows what she's doing and that is following Yoru till she bump into a bear*

Yuki: Don't worry, I know what I am doing and that is following yo- *Bumps into something as she falls* Ow! *Looks up and sees the bear*

Hogosuru:.....*growls*.......*about to maul her*....*As Haru hide in the bushes out of fear and shakes as Haru watches*......*Hogosuru sniffs her*.....*the mama bear backs off* "You have Wolf blood in have my trust"...*she leaves to somewhere to nap*....

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