The Foreigner part 2

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[chapter 11: The Foreigner part 2]

*Flashback shows Ketsuki with Blood on her face guilty impression*

*present shows Risako driving to Hana's home*

Risako: Hey Hana, were expecting any visitors? *hana is confuse till she sees michi's car*
Hana: Michi? I didn't think she'd be visiting so soon, we should welcome them!
Risako: Yup maybe kess already did that. *they arrive at the front to see The triplets playing with the grey and black wolf who the triplets mistakes it as their dog*.
Kaiya: Go long Wolfy! *throws the ball as the wolf catches it and goes to her barks*
Risako: Well then.
Hana: ....Hmmm.... That's weird, has Yuki been around here recently?
Risako:no no no I think they like your "house dog".
Kenichi: Play dead *the wolf did so*

Mikio: Hehehe! *The wolf got up* High five! X3 *Raises his hand as the wolf got up and they high five*
Michi: *comes out the house* oh!, Hana I was Wondering when are you coming!
Hana: Hey Michi! I see everything is going great for you all! XD

Michi: I see you got an house dog *pets the wolf*
Hana: Uh.... Yeah! Risako rescued her and wanted my help to treat her and she... Grew attached!😅 *Lightly hits Risako with an elbow*

Risako: Yes I did, you probably know me, I am an under training doctor but also can be an veterinarian at times.
Kaiya: hey!, it's Mister Lycanieni!XD.
Kenichi: Mister Lycanieni?. *drops the balls and looks at Risako*
Mikio: Hello Mister Lycanieni! *Waiting for Kenichi to throw the ball but realizes he isn't throwing it, then he notices Kenichi staring at Risako* Is something wrong?
Kenichi: *runs to risako* it's so great to see you *jumps on him as he falls cartoonishly* I thought me and mikio and kaiya won't see you ever again!🥺.
Risako: Aww all I said is I'm moving out of the city not saying I cannot visit the city again!^_^ *gets up as he pats his head*
Mikio:My tummy told me you weren't gonna go far!XD
Risako: I wasn't I promise you three, now tell me how you three treat the plant I left for Miss Himawari.
Kenichi: We did.
Kaiya: Planting and potting is actually fun to do. Kenichi: Did you move away because you got an wife?.
Risako:...*looks at Hana* No she's a friend of mine, and like I told you Kenichi don't cut to conclusions until you hear the whole story!^_^. *the wolf disappears*.
Mikio: So what are you doing here Mr.Lycanieni?
Risako: oh i was helping Hana with her farming, she only a single woman and she's my neighbor, let this be a lesson in life when you move into a new neighborhood, here's what you should do always make friends In your area^_^.
Kaiya: but I don't wanna leave mama ever!🥺.

Kenichi:I do😑.

Mikio: You really want to Kenichi?! 0-0

Kenichi: Yeah like kazu does!. Kaiya:Pfft you'll be crying over mama the first day you leave her!. Kenichi: if anyone is gonna cry that'll be you, Crybaby!. *kaiya tackles him*
Kaiya: Take it back!.
Kenichi: Like heck I would.
Michi: *sighs* Yes this is my parenting life🤦‍♀️

Mikio: *Looks at Hana gazing at the trees* Are you okay?
Hana: .....Oh! I'm sorry! I was just lost in thought!😅 *Notices the wolf missing* ....Say.... Did wolf just... Ran off?

Michi: I think it did....*getting annoyed by Kenichi and Kaiya's fighting* okay you two stop! *Kaiya and Kenichi stops* now kids this here is Hana, she's an old best friend of mine and she's your auntie!^_^, introduce yourselves to her.

*they speak all at once but stops*

Kaiya: Well Kenichi go ahead.
Kenichi: You go first! *they fight as Risako then claps his hands as they stop*
Risako: I got an idea for you three, remember the name train we use when introduce a new student?.
Mikio:Oh! Oh! Like the order of the alphabet Mr.Lycanieni?! XP

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