Chapter 11

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January went without a hitch. It was now February 14th and Logan and I were waiting for our mid-way ultrasound. The tech came in and greeted us with a big smile, "so big one guys. You can learn what the gender is today. Is that something you are interested in?"

Logan and I looked at each other and responded at the same time with a resounding "yes!"

"Well lets get started then." Laid down and she squirted the gel on the stomach. First we saw the baby appear on the screen. The tech was smiling while taking the pictures and doing her measurements. "It's a girl." She announced.

Logan and I looked at each other beaming ear to ear. However the excitement was short live. Almost as soon as the tech had announced the news to us her smile quickly faded and she excused herself to go talk to the doctor.

I started to panic. "Logan what's wrong? Why did she leave so quickly? Logan I'm scared.." He hugged me and stroked may back trying to calm me as best he can.

The tech came back in; after what felt like and eternity; followed by our doctor. The the tech showed the ultrasound pictures to the doctor and they discussed what they were seeing so quietly that we couldn't hear them.

I was so terrified by the time the tech left the room.

Dr. Anderson came and sat in front of us. "I have some difficult news to tell you both." She paused and took a slow breath. "The ultrasound is showing that there is a complication with the placenta."

My head was spinning. I looked at Logan and based on his expression he was in the same boat. "What does that mean?" I asked tentatively.

"Based on what the ultrasound is showing the placenta has started to detach front he uterine wall. This is called Placental Abruption."

"What can we do about this?" This time it was Logan that spoke up. The look on his face was one of grave concern.

"Well at this time because it is a small separation I am going to put you on bed rest. This will hopefully prevent it from further separation. We will need to monitor you very closely over the coming weeks and if it progresses we may be looking at an emergency C-section."

"But I'm just past 20 weeks. I'm not set to deliver until June."

"Unfortunately if the condition worsens we won't have a choice in the matter.  However we will try to do everything we can to bring you as close to term as we can."

This was a lot to take in. What if I lost the baby? I couldn't even imagine the despair I would feel. "What are the chances that I will make it to term?"

"I'm not going to lie Rory, but the chances are not great. So long as we can get you to around 28 weeks that should lessen the chances for complications after the birth. For now though I want you to go home and stay in bed as much as possible. I would like to see you once a week from here on out also. I know its hard but try not to worry. We caught this early and will be able to monitor it very closely."

"Thank you Dr. Anderson. I will Make sure she gets all the rest she needs and that she doesn't stress herself." Logan stood and shook the doctors hand.

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