Chapter 15

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The next few minutes went by in a blur. "What is going on? What is wrong with her?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Huntzberger," one of the nurses responded, "but I need to ask you to leave. We need the room to help your wife."

I went out into the hall, starring through the window as they worked on Rory. I had never been more scared than in that moment. The thought of loosing her was terrifying.

It didn't take long before the doctor came out of the room but to me it felt like years. "Logan," she started, "Rory is stable now and will be fine. It appears to have been a reaction to the antibiotics that we had given her post delivery to prevent infection. Are you aware of anything that your wife is allergic to?"

"I'm not aware of any allergies no."

"We believe she may have a severe allergy the the medication we gave her. Your wife lost a lot of blood during the birth and was at a greater risk of infection because of it. We have given her some epinephrine and it has stopped the reaction. She is resting comfortably now. We will be monitoring her closely and will take her up to her room shortly."

"When can I see her?"

"You will be able to see her as soon as she is back in her room. You should go grab a coffee or something to eat and go wait in the waiting room. I promise as soon as she is back we will come and get you." And with that she went back in the room and left me standing in the hall by myself.


When I awoke I saw Logan asleep, sitting in a chair beside my bed and Mom and Luke resting in chairs against the wall in front of my bed. I reached out my hand to grab Logan's. He sat up with a start and grabbed my hand. "What happened?" I asked.

"You had an allergic reaction to a medication that they had given you to prevent an infection. The doctor said they gave you epinephrine to stop the reaction and that you will be just fine." Logan explained in a whisper so not to wake the other two.

"Where is Amelia? Have you seen her? Is she okay?" All the memories of the events of the day came flooding back. Seeing my daughter only to have her taken from me and whisked to the NICU. I started to cry.

Logan pulled me into a hug and gentle rubbed my back. "Your Mom went and saw her when they came. I wanted to wait so that we can go see her together." He gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead. "I love you Ace. I have never been more scare than I was when I saw you faint or pass out. I don't even know what to call it. I was terrified I was going to loose you."

"When can we go see her?" I was itching to see my daughter.

"We can go as soon as we can get you in a wheelchair Ace." He left to go grab a wheelchair and came back shortly.

When Logan got back he and Luke helped me out of bed and into the wheelchair. It was more painful and difficult than I had expected. I still had my IV which we had to get a nurse to help us move to the wheelchair. Once everything was sorted Logan wheeled me down get hall it the NICU. Logan talked to the nurse at the front desk and she led us in. She took us to an incubator bed with the name Amelia Huntzberger written on a name tag. The tag said she was 2lbs 8 oz and 12 inches long. As Logan moved me closer so I could see in I swear my heart skipped a beat. There in front of me was the tinniest, most precious little baby I had ever laid eyes on. I put my hand on the incubator and smiled as she turned her head and looked at me. She had the most vivid blue eyes and not much hair, but what hair there was it was very blonde. I looked up at Logan and he was smiling to, just staring at our beautiful little daughter.

"She looks just like Grandma had always thought our kids would look." I commented with a little laughed as I looked between Logan and Amelia.

Authors note: Sorry it's a short one this time. The next one will be longer and it wont be as long of a wait. This one I had started a while back then unfortunately everything in the world changed and I haven't had as much time.

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