Ch.3: Strike One

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Now, we get into the rivalry between Lilith Darcwood and Katsuki Bakugou.

Mind you, there's going to be a lot of swearing because it's Bakugou and... let's just say, Lilith doesn't tolerate the kind of bullshit he spreads around.



Within the span of a few days, I finally got used to my schedule. I now knew my classes and their locations by heart without having to look at the paper copy of my listed classes. I knew most of my classmates' names, save for a few that were a little more difficult to memorize. I knew all of my teachers and where I could find them if I needed help.

I became good friends with Todoroki and Uraraka, one of Izuku's friends. I even became friends with Kirshima and Mina, despite them being friends with Bakugou. But, I could tell that they were good people and don't have any ill intentions. Me and Izuku even grew closer and got to know each other better.

Another thing I got used to was Bakugou's insults and teasing. To be honest, some of his harsh words were just petty jabs and sarcastic comments. However, when someone says something about him that was meant to be funny or a piece of constructive criticism, he gets riled up and starts yelling. Geez, someone give him a fucking chill pill 'cause he needs to calm down and shut his arrogant mouth up.

Anyway, I was currently in the cafeteria, getting my lunch, which was oriental noodles with a bottle of water. It was my favorite food, especially the kind you get at a small local market in America. When I received my meal, I went into the main part of the dining hall. Looking over the tables, I tried to find a seat to sit in and some people to talk to.

Just before I could decide a table to sit down at, my right shoulder and arm was shoved harshly by a force behind me. It nearly caused me to drop my lunch that was on my tray. Luckily, it didn't land on the floor and splatter everywhere. As I collected myself, a voice I was hoping not to hear from for the rest of the day, "Watch where you're standing, emo."

"You could've just as easily walk around me, asshole," I sassed, not caring what he would do to me. He was full of nothing but empty threats and dick moves. He talks cheap and if he thinks he can pull a fast one on me... he's sadly mistaken.

I could see the steam coming of his ears and the vein popping out of his temple when I said that. I was kinda amused by his reaction, seeing him let the littlest things get under his skin. He then turned to look at me and nearly got up in my face, growling, "What did you just say?!..."

"You heard me, jack-ass..." I snapped before walking away, going over to Team Izuku's table. I could heard Kirshima trying to calm down Bakugou, so his quirk wouldn't go off and trigger the sprinklers on the ceilings. Ignoring this, I sat down between Izuku and Tsuyu, letting out a huff. I was hoping to have a good day without having to deal with Sir Explodes-A-Lot. Well, there went that plan. Now, I'm in a foul and uncomfortable mood.

"Lilith, are you okay? Did Kacchan say something to you?" The green-haired boy asked me, a great amount of concern in his eyes and tone. I looked at him, softening my golden gaze as I pondered what I should tell him or if it would be wise. Of course, being the eccentric girl that I am, I decided not to, proceeded to eat my noodles and answered with, "It doesn't matter..."

"Are you sure? 'Cause you seem pretty irritated," Uraraka inquired, looking equally concerned as Izuku. With that comment, I gave in. After finishing up my bite of noodles, I said, "It's just... it pisses me off that Bakugou thinks so high and mighty of himself, while everyone else has equal potential to become heroes."

"Kacchan's just... proud of his power," Midoriya answered shyly, trying to come to the blonde's defense.

"Yeah, too proud. I mean, look what happened to you, Izuku! You had to endure ten years of mockery and ridicule from him. Why do you still want to be his friend when he treats you so horribly?!" I asked, feeling my bottled up guilt for the boy's years of bullying. I guess the emotion was felt by all as the table fell quiet.

"Look, I'm sorry, you guys. It just sickens me that he treats others like crap, simply because he thinks his quirk is the most powerful, when there are plenty of others with abilities that are just as powerful. If not, more powerful." I apologized, explaining my outburst. Now, I felt bad for yelling at, not just Izuku, but the others as well.

"We completely understand where you are coming from. Bakugou is quite disrespectful to both students and staff," Iida said, adjusting his metal-framed glasses.

"He's also reckless and doesn't really think before he acts," Tsuyu added plainly, her eyes looking down at the meal in front of her.

"I'm glad you guys agree, but there's nothing we can do to change that..." I said, a small smile lingering at the corners of my painted-black lips. With that, we all continued eating our meals and chatting, now at peace again. Midoriya then looked at me, quietly saying, "You know, when you left, Kacchan was really upset."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Bakugou missed me when I left Japan to go to America? Sounds like fake news, but the fact that Izuku seemed genuine made me think twice.

"Oh, really?" I asked, trying to seem lukewarm but interested about the topic being brought up. It also took a lot of self-control not to sound sarcastic, so I wouldn't sound rude.

"Yeah. But, as we got older, he seemed to forget about you. Even when I mentioned your name, he doesn't seem to be phased," he continued, poking his food with his chopsticks.

"I figured. On my first day, he didn't even freeze when he saw me and heard me introduce myself," I replied, looking down at my tray, my appetite lessening.

"Well, I'm sure he'll figure it out. He always does," Midoriya beamed cutely, eyes glowing bright and smiling like a kid in the candy store.

"Yeah," I answered before continuing to eat my lunch, despite the bloated feeling of guilt in my stomach.


I cleaned up my mess at the table, moving it to my tray. I picked it up off the smooth surface and stood up, moving over to the garbage cans. Placing my tray on top of the pile on the wooden table, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the lunchroom, content after getting some food in my stomach. I was halfway down the hall when...

"Oi, you!" Someone shouted in my direction, running footsteps accompanying them. I knew immediately that it was Bakugou, probably back for revenge after I sassed him in the cafeteria. I just ignored them, hoping he would get the message that I didn't want to deal with him. However, as ever with the explosive boy, he didn't let up off my tail.

"Hey, don't walk away from me, puppet girl," He yelled, now right behind me. I turned around, a stone cold look on my face and my eyes hard and bright as the sun. I responded, equally harsh with a chilled tone, the same voice I always used when talking to him, hissing, "What do you want?"

"Look, I don't know who you are and, frankly, I don't care. But, I'm gonna tell ya... if you think you're going to be the Number One Hero, think again..." Bakugou snarled, his red eyes angry and his face unpleasant with a deep scowl.

Pfft, wow. Talk about jumping to conclusions and being egotistical at the same time. Ok, if he really thinks that, well... time to show him what I'm truly all about... "Okay, one, you shouldn't have to care who I am. Two, I'm not in it to become Number One, but I am going to test you to see if you really deserve the spot as Top Hero. Which leads me to three... unlike you, who's in it for fame and fortune, I'm in the hero game to protect my family and the innocent out there in the world."

With my anger boiling, I grabbed him by the front of the shirt. This brought his face closer to mine, giving him a closer look at my frustrated expression. There was a glimmer of fear in his eyes, but he kept his face stern. I finished my previous statement with, "So, before you start thinking you can mess with me whenever and wherever you like, think twice..."

I released him before turning back around and moving back down the hall. I blocked out anything he could possibly be shouting, even though he was currently saying nothing.

As I speeded away, I began to wonder if I went too far with what I had said...

If I gave Bakugou the rise he wanted out of me...

Oh no...

What have I done?

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