Ch.4: Text & Sassing

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So, this is a random chapter to show how Bakugou and Lilith will communicate with each other through the story until they finally resolve their differences in the end.


I was currently drawing in my sketchbook, 'Black Sea' by Natasha Blume playing through my airpods. The picture I was sketching out on the paper wasn't really taking shape, yet. So far, what I had was a head, neck and shoulders. They looked quite masculine, but I didn't know who it was going to be. Maybe, just a random character or someone I saw while walking down the streets. Well, I'll see who and what it is when I finish it.

My music was interrupted by a buzzing noise, signalling that I got a text message. Opening my phone, I saw that it was from Izuku in our group chat with some of our classmates. This consisted of Kirshima, Uraraka, Kaminari, Mina, Todoroki, Izuku, myself and... Bakugou. However, he doesn't talk with us that much, so that wasn't a problem with me. Anyway, I opened my message app and read the text...

Hey, guys

Hi, Izuku!

S'up Lilith?

The sky, that's what's up, Kiri ...

What are you extras going on about?

Oh, boy... the kings of jerks has entered the chat. Here I thought he wasn't going to join one of these conversations. Considering we're all nuisances in his eyes... just more stepping stones towards his goals and ambitions. Not to mention, he spent his hours after school doing homework or working out, either at the gym, at home or taking a run. Jeez, who was he trying to impress with all that training? I'm sure he could break a girl's heart faster than the Flash can make one run around the Earth.

God, why am I thinking about Bakugou, his workout routine and his romantic life? Just... no...

Nothing... just talking...

Hey, Kirishima? Do you know who else is coming for extra training on Saturday?

Todoroki said he couldn't make it, Kaminari has plans and Sero has an appointment around the same time. So, it's you, me, Uraraka and Mina.

Oh, ok. But, what about Lilith and Kacchan?

I'm free any day. Anything to kick your asses...


Hey, Lili? Do you want to join?

Oh god, what should I do? Bakugou was going to be there and, no doubt, he was going to give me trouble. But, at the same time, I wanted to spend time with my friends and improve on my fighting technique. But, what's the point of having fun when someone you hate is going to be a pain in your ass the whole time? Welp, I'm going to have to sound indecisive, then...

Oh, I don't know. I'm probably going to have something come up...

Damn, here I thought I would have more of a challenge. Wow...

I knew damn well that was meant to be an insult towards me. He was indirectly calling me weak and saying I wasn't a challenge for him. Clearly, he hasn't seen me when I am training to my fullest and giving it my all. Ok, if he wants a challenge... I'll give him a challenge.

Actually, I don't have any plans. I'm in...


Fantastic! Be there at 10!

Got it.

I stopped texting and got back to drawing my picture, adding more details to the figure. Y'know, muscles, eye shape, hair and other features. I turned my music back on, 'Hit & Run' by LOLO now playing in my ears. I was now content as I drew out the features of the character on the page. I could hear the melody of the song flowing through my mind. I was just about to slip back into my zone when my phone went off again. Picking it up, I unlocked it and went to my messages again.

Hey! What the hell was all that about?!

Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding! Did Izuku or Kirshima give him my phone number?! Either that, or he found my number in the group chat. I gave everyone in the group my number, except Bakugou. I didn't want him pestering me with a bunch of hateful and empty messages. But, looks like that precaution is up in the air and out the window.

How tf did you get my number?!

Not fucking important. Why the hell did you join in like that?

Why would you want to know? I thought you wanted a challenge...

You just say that you probably have plans, then decides you want in at the last minute?!

Simple... the reason I said I might have plans before is because of you...


Yeah. I can't stand your attitude... thinking your the best thing since sliced bread...

Clearly, you don't know who your talking to. I'll become the Number One Hero.

Clearly, you don't know who your talking to. If you think I'm going to let you earn that title without you being taught a few valuable lessons... you are sadly mistaken.

I didn't get a response after that. I assumed that he gave up trying to fight against me. Either that, or he threw his phone at a wall. But, I know that I might pay for it when I go to school tomorrow. Trust me, I'm going to get an earful from that eardrum-shattering idiot. I then decided to continue my drawing, which had temporarily been postponed. However, anger and irritation were still lingered within my mind. My pencil scratched at the paper like nails on a chalkboard. I pressed harder and harder, but light enough to not tear the page or break the tip of the pencil. The lines became darker and more solid, all on edge. After the mindless scribbling, I put the pencil down and looked at my work.

The once dull figure from before was now an etching of the boy I hated the most... Katsuki Bakugou...

God, what I'm doing to myself? Why am I so obsessed with pushing Bakugou's buttons and making him aggravated? I need to ignore him and, perhaps, he'll grow tired of my silence. But, then again, I did promise him I would teach him a few lessons that he needs to learn if he wants to become the Top Hero.

Fuck, what I'm going to do?...

Maybe that training session with the others will be a good start...

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