Ch. 10: Lilith's Origins

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This explains more about the tension and rivalry between Lilith and Bakugou. I knew that I wanted to include this bit at some point. I just didn't know when until now.

Also, the POVs are going to be switching between Lilith and Bakugou, just so we get both sides.


You're all probably wondering about the story behind why I 'mildly dislike' Bakugou...

Well, as you already know, Bakugou hurt my feelings and broke my heart when we were kids. I had just gotten my quirk and was super excited about it. I was hoping that once I showed Katsuki my powers, he would accept me and see me as a friend or, at least, a companion. Heck, Izuku thought it was cool, so I thought... maybe, Katsuki would think so, too. But, I was wrong...

Words cannot describe how much that day hurt me. My one shot at having a friendship with someone who prided himself with his quirk and its power. Someone who wasn't afraid to break the limit and tackle the impossible. Someone that shy four-year-old me was intimidated to go near. It was all shot to hell.

I questioned my own quirk that day. It made me think that something was wrong with my power. That it was an insult to Katsuki. My father assured me that while my quirk originally came from my mother, a former villain, it wasn't meant to be evil. It's how I use it that determines if it's good or bad.

I then came to the conclusion that it wasn't me that was the problem, but Katsuki. For whatever reason, he hated the fact that I had a quirk. I came to that conclusion when I was 12, after being bullied again by the other kids at the training program I was in.

After that, I chose to ignore those who were only selfishly dead set on their own goals and how to achieve them. But, Bakugou is the hardest to avoid, as he's in my class and constantly tries to start trouble with other students. I just can't get over that.

But perhaps, I should start from the beginning...


"Hey Zuku!" A little girl with long ebony hair in a purple dress shouted out to a green-haired boy. As the girl got closer, she could see blotches of black and blue on his skin.

"Zuku, what happened?! Why are you hurt?!" She exclaimed, golden eyes shimmering with concern and voice in a panic.

"Don't worry, Lili. Just had some trouble with some of the other kids." The boy explained to his friend, waving his hands at her in dismissal.

"Oh, ok. Well, guess what? I was watching my dad make pancakes this morning when this happened..." the ravenette put her hands into a cupping position. As Izuku looked at her hands, he could make out three pale lines of thread slipping over her palms. They were growing more durable and slightly thicker as they went up her hands. They snaked upwards into the air before forming swirling patterns above her palms.

"Whoa, that's so cool!" The green-haired boy exclaimed, eyes shining with amazement.

"Thanks! Do you think 'Suki will like it?" The ravenette asked shyly, digging her sandals into the dirt.

"Well, I honestly don't know. Maybe, you should show him and see how he reacts. He might be happy to see that you have a quirk!" Her friend let out, bubbling with excitement.

The little girl gasped before giving out a light-hearted giggle. She was so happy.

So happy to overcome her shy demeanor and work up the courage to make a friend by herself...

Oh, run baby girl...



~Bakugou's POV~

DAMN IT! DAMN IT! HOW COULD I BE SUCH AN IDIOT! Why didn't I see it before all this happened?! How did I not know that the new girl was Lilith the whole time?! What the fuck?! Granted, she looked a lot different from when we were kids. Plus, I had hints every so often, but that wasn't enough for me to put the pieces together.

But, after that encounter at her locker, I started to remember things about her. Specifically, why she hates me so much now. It burns every corner of my mind now, the voices from that moment echoing off the chamber within my skull. It was both annoying and also haunting.

I was laughing along with the delinquents I used to hang out with after beating Deku, who had defended some other quirkless kid. I honestly couldn't believe that he was trying to protect someone without a quirk of his own. Of course, he always looked up to All Might. So, he would always stand up for what he thought was right.

As the other two were talking about the other kids in our class, I sensed that someone was watching me. I didn't know if it was in the good way or the bad way, but it irritated me. I turned around to see Lilith, age 4, glancing at me from behind a nearby tree. She must've known she had been seen because she flinched and hid further behind the trunk.

"Hey, you over there! What do you want?" I shouted towards her. The other boys were surprised by my reaction until they saw Lilith stepping out of the shadows and into the sunlight.

"Well, I-I... um... I-I..." she stammered, playing with her fingers. She was nervous, so unlike the Lilith people knew now.

"Come on! Spill it, girly! We don't have all day." The one with the annoying voice exclaimed, getting impatient.

"I-I j-just w-wanted to show K-Katsuki something!"

I was intrigued when she said that. No one ever approached me and wanted to show me something. I mean, unless they were looking for an explosion to the face. I gave Lilith a look that told I was waiting for whatever it was she wanted to show me.

Before I knew it, she put her hands into a cupping motion. Thread wormed its way over her arms and wrists. They grew and expanded a little until they gathered at her palms. The strings then touched the air and created a design of swirls and vines.

At first, my reaction was awe. Then, it was something else I couldn't explain. But, then I did something that I didn't even think of doing...

I laughed... I fucking laughed in her face. Like it was some big prank. But, it wasn't... it was real.

I pushed Lilith to the ground, my laughter slowly dying. Looking back now, I could see her eyes watering. She was a dam, ready to burst into a river.

Then, I said it...

"What kind of sorry excuse for a quirk is that? You dumb ugly witch..."

And just like that, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Next thing I knew, I heard an agonized scream and I was launched into the air. Once I had landed on my back, I saw her running away.

To where, I didn't really know nor did I really care...

The only reason I remembered was because Lilith had used her telekinesis to launch me back, like she did. It's obvious to me now that this whole time, she was trying to get through to me. Trying to see if I have any semblance as to who she was. Or see if I even give a rat's ass...

To be honest, I didn't care, not when she came in on her first day of class. I was there when she first walked on and I didn't think much of her at the time. That was until she started verbally fighting me and back-talking me. I knew something was up and I want to know why. But I didn't know what kind of vendetta she had against me... until now...


~Lilith's POV~

And I ran...

I ran and ran and ran until I found Deku. I told him everything and how it happened. He gave me comfort and tried to cheer me up until it was time for me to go home. I avoided Katsuki for the next few days until I moved away.

That day stuck with me ever since then. It has been etched into my mind, heart and soul. My first heartache... from a friendship that never was.

But, hey, life dealt the cards it was played, right? We just have to make do with what we got. There's always going to be an obstacle to overcome.

After all...

Life has a cruel sense of humor...

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