Ch.6: Trip to USJ

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Here's Lilith's Hero costume:

Here's Lilith's Hero costume:

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Today is the big day...

The trip to USJ...

To be honest, I loved whenever there's a class field trip. When I was a part of my training program in America, we would take a field trip somewhere occasionally. But what I am most excited about showing off my hero costume. I haven't been able to see it and I am really excited about it.

We all grabbed our outfits before taking off to the changing rooms. Midoriya, unfortunately, didn't have a costume due to it getting ripped up during some training exercise against Bakugou. I wasn't around to see it, but it doesn't matter. At least, he has his PE jumpsuit as a replacement.

My hero costume wasn't too flashy or over the top, but bold enough to grab some attention. Or, at the very least, be recognized from a distance. A diamond pattern with black and mesh fabric wrapped around my torso. Sky blue trim wrapped around my neck and shoulders with purple highlighting my body. Black shorts with an abstract purple and blue pattern on the sides. A matching belt with powder blue strips of cloth on it, that I can manipulate with my telekinesis. Black and white striped thigh-high socks with my favorite pair of blue converse. Black mesh fingerless gloves with black stitched-in curly designs.

The final touch were the thread cuffs. They were sliver cuff bracelets with purple gems on it. While they're meant to look like ordinary bracelets on the surface, they control the thickness and amount of strings I produce. Normally, I can produce unlimited string, but these bracelets restrict how much thread I use at a time.

If you're wondering what my strings are made from, it's kinda complicated. I have this special fiber layer over my outer skin and it's so microscopic that no one knows it's there. It both protects my skin from certain harmful elements and provides me my thread manipulation.

Grabbing my phone and earbuds, I stepped out of the changing room. I then walked to the bus and hopped on, taking a random seat. Upon sitting down, I went to my games section on my phone and opened Disney Emoji Blitz. I don't know why, but I just found the game really addicting.

Once everyone was on the bus, Mr. Aiawaza took attendance to make sure everyone was there. After that, the bus started moving. With the movement, it came as an announcement for everyone to start talking.

It wasn't long until I caught a bit of a conversation with Tsuyu Asui, Midoriya, Kaminari and Kirishima. I didn't catch the first part of what Tsuyu said, but the words I did get were 'Bakugou' and 'never be popular'. And, well... let's just say... that didn't go over well with said boy...

"What did you say?! I'll kick your ass!" The blonde yelled from his seat, almost waking up Todoroki behind him. I decided to tune out the chatter, knowing that I would get annoyed if I kept hearing Katsuki's voice. A few more comments and exclamations were thrown around when Tsuyu cut in again, "Though, Lilith seems to take everything in stride, especially when it comes to her power."

"Yeah, she's always super chill, even when Bakugou insults her," Kaminari added with a carefree tone.

"Huh?! You rejected lightning rod!"

"Wait... is that what you guys really think of you? I didn't know..." I couldn't bring myself to continue my statement. I didn't want them to worry about my mental health, especially considering what happened when I was a kid.

"Well, yeah. You're always so calm and kind. Not to mention, you have a lot of guts," Kirishima answered, that contagious grin of his brightening my mood. Unfortunately, it was dampened once again by the same guy who ruined it to begin with, "Why are you dumbasses praising her?! She's just a Spider-Man wannabe!"

Oh-hoo hoo hoo... he did not just go there...

"Excuse me, could Peter Parker produce thread from a microscopic fiber layer over his skin? No, and you do know why? 'Cause he didn't have that advantage. He had to use his smarts to create a substance that was both sticky and could be used as rope," I hissed, my voice hardened and chilled as ever when speaking to Bakugou. The whole class went nuts upon hearing that snappy comeback, while Izuku and Uraraka were sent into a fit of panic. The blonde looked like he was about to pound me into next week, but he stood down.

Heh... serves him right...

"Okay, kids, we're approaching USJ," Mr. Aiawaza announced in his usual monotone. Seriously, is he ever happy or not tired? Whatever. As the bus stopped, we all got up and started getting out of our seats. Stepping out of the vehicle, I could see the tall buildings and bustling streets. The atmosphere just screamed that this was a place for heroes to do what they do best. Protect the innocent civilians and defending against criminals and villains.

"Wow," was all I could say, the breath completely stolen from my lungs. I then joined the others where they were gathering. The building was beautiful and modern, plants decorating the interior. It was mesmerizing, especially to a suburban girl like me. Standing in front of us, the Hero, 13, was talking to us about the importance of being a hero and what it took to do so. However, halfway through the speech, I started sensing that something was off...

Like someone with ill intentions was approaching...

Like they were going to do something horrible to this place...

Like they were out to destroy whoever stood in their way...

I was proven right when a black portal formed next to our group, startling all of us. I stood next to Bakugou and Kirishima as we watched as several figures waltzed out of the dark gateway. I could immediately tell that they were all villains, judging by their demeanors and appearance. But, nothing could've drove their wicked and terrifying aura through than the giant, grotesque beasts with a brain for a head alongside them. More portals appeared and more baddies came out of them.

Oh god, those are real villains, aren't they?

"Everyone, stay together. Thirteen, protect them."

Thirteen took matters into his own hands as commanded, "EVERYONE, STAY BACK! THIS IS REAL AND THOSE ARE REAL VILLAINS!"

Well, no shit!

He then attempted to move us towards the exit. This action proved to be a flop as another black portal opened in front of us, blocking our escape. A ghostly figure of purple smoke came out and I noticed immediately how his aura matches the warp gates that surrounds us. Meaning he was likely providing his comrades with an entrance and an exit.

Just then, both Kirishima and Bakugou sprung into action and attacked the smoke villain. Once that happened, all hell broke loose. It became a battle for life and death. One thing's for sure...

This was not the field trip I envisioned...

I went over to Kirishima and Bakugou were fighting. Sure, I hated Bakugou with every bit of my being, but I wasn't about to let him do something reckless. Even if he won't listen to me, it's better then nothing.

However, before I could even join the fight, the portal bad guy used his portal to transport us somewhere else. Before we knew it, we hit the ground with a painful THUD.

And, by 'we', I meant me, Kirishima and... Bakugou...


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