The Don and the Bum

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In a simpler time, in a small room before a piano, a song played with a gentle bravado before the comforting roar of an old fireplace, in the warm dim glow in the early hours of the night

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In a simpler time, in a small room before a piano, a song played with a gentle bravado before the comforting roar of an old fireplace, in the warm dim glow in the early hours of the night.

The room had a bed in the corner a single long window that faced a lone lamppost, said window never opened and was accompanied by a large wooden door.

It smelled of smoldering firewood in that tiny room and mint lingered to mask a faint tinge of chemical in the air.

The rain pelted Allessandra's face, she peered up at the night sky and sighed heavily, crawling further into her cardboard fort, she grumbled softly to herself and rubbed her hands together trying to warm up.

Sniveling she reached for her bottle of water and took a sip to soothe her sore throat, and pulled her coat around her tighter, though it was wet from the leaks in the cardboard.

It was a lovely dream of that small little room, it often came to her when times felt a little harder than usual.

Allessandra coughed lightly and grabbed her bag which contained all she owned. It was time, the kid was right she needed to find someplace dryer to rest. Though she was sure that some other bum would slip in and steal her fort and alleyway for themselves.

"But I'm not gonna catch my death out here, like this. No, I'm not." She thought, leaving out the alleyway and into the streets.

Heading up the street, Allessandra spotted a familiar black car, it always passed this way early on Wednesday mornings, before the sun came up.

She looked up at the sky to find the angry grey clouds had masked what she thought was night,  but the few hours left before dawn. She sniffled and pulled tighter her coat.

A loud crash shook Allessandra down to her bones, turning to look behind her she found the black car had run into a street light. Her eyes wandered to a group of men getting out from a vehicle just ahead of them. They wore dark clothing and gloves and were heavily armed.

Allessandra gasped, watching the driver of the black car stumble out, even in the dark his wounds looked terrible. From the back passenger seat, another figure crawled out quietly. Out of the front passenger seat, a large fellow hopped out. Lifting an automatic riffle he fired at the approaching men.

The driver was shot, quickly crumpling to the ground. Allessandra's gaze wandered to the man trying to escape, he limped up the street and wasn't going to get far at this rate.

The people who wandered the street scattered at the danger. Allessandra sighed and plucking up her nerve she ran for the limping man.

Taking his arm, she swung it over her shoulders and supported his back with the other arm. "This way," She said leading him into an alleyway. In the back there waited a door, letting the man rest against the wall Allessandra opened it. "Inside here, it's dark but it'll make us hard to see." She said.

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