The Trade

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The days turned quicker than Allessandra could imagine, and two months slipped by quickly

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The days turned quicker than Allessandra could imagine, and two months slipped by quickly.

She sat in the window watching the sky, waiting for Falcone to get ready to go. Victor stood closely to her. It had been so long that Allessandra had learned to ignore Victor's oddness. In fact she'd  venture as far as to say, she'd gotten used to it. If not entirely comfortable with it.

"Where are we going today, Mr.Falcone?" Allessandra asked as Falcone slipped into his coat and headed for the door. "I'm taking you with me on buisness this time dear. I'm going to see Ms. Mooney, I think you'd like her." Falcone mused.

Allessandra looked up at Falcone "Fish Mooney? Forgive me sir. But from what I hear, she's a bit of a - well, a witch." She said. Falcone chuckled "you either love her or hate her, there is no in-between. But she is a good girl at heart." Falcone said.

Allessandra's eyes wandered to Victor who subtly shook his head "She's a bitch." Victor mouthed out of Falcone's view.

The car ride was quiet, and Allessandra could tell there was a bit of unease in Falcone. "What's this meeting about, if I may ask." Allessandra questioned.

"To re-solidify a relative piece between Maroni and I,  Fish Mooney's club is a neutral zone from her place as an under boss." Falcone said from the back seat, Victor at the wheel and Allessandra front passenger.

"I have the both of you for protection as Maroni's men can be a bit wild. However, between Victor, Butch and You things should be under control. Besides Maroni's man Carbone isn't crazy enough to let the men under him try against three of the best." Falcone added.

"Three sir?" Allessandra asked. Falcone chuckled "you are no hitman, my dear, but you are proving to be a very effective enforcer." He said.

"Victor speaks highly of your combat improvements as well." Falcone added in. Victor cleared his throat uncomfortably "don't  go making me look soft boss." He murmured.

Falcone gave a light chuckle "I know when I've gotten good when I can knock Zsasz to the ground and keep him there." Allessandra  mused with a smile. "I'll get there." She added.

"Not in your dreams Catháin." Victor shot back.


Live music played softly from the stage of the dark glamorous nightclub. A slow sultry tune, the kind that makes you sway along with it without taking notice.

It was the sort of song that may have put Allessandra to sleep, under different circumstances.

Now, however, she was far too guarded, far to on edge to relax. Allessandra tried to square back shoulders and stand tall to look strong, stoic and firm. Her body betraying her as she was never the sort to look deadly, street rat or otherwise she had a solid elegant build, the kind you'd expect of a show horse, her power emitted an easy kind of gentleness.

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