For The Girls

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    Allessandra skillfully avoided Victor's gun fire, ducking behind a wall in the shooting gallery

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    Allessandra skillfully avoided Victor's gun fire, ducking behind a wall in the shooting gallery. The bullet struck the wall and hit the ground near a man passed out from too strong of a dose of his "meds".

A smirk curled onto Victor's face as he dodged Allessandra's throwing knife, "Nice dodge but too slow on the throw." He said, with a swish, two more knives flew through the air.

Victor avoided the first, yet the other, left a fine cut on his cheek.

Victor chuckled swiping the trickle of blood away with a gloved hand, he licked away the smudge from his finger. "That's better, atta girl." He praised. "Stop treating me like that, Zsasz." Allessandra sighed, tossing three knives this time.

While Victor dodged she rushed him. Throwing herself forward, she tackled him to the ground. They rolled about, Victor held an amused look on his face. "Look at you, your bite is starting to match your bark." He sang.

Faster than Allessandra could register, he had flipped her. Sitting on her back as he held her arms behind her. Allessandra grumbled to herself, it usually ended this way.

Victor laughed and leaned over, he got a whiff of her hair. "You smell like lilies, liking the new fancy soaps Falcone orders for you?" He asked.

"Stop being a creep and get off me, you are heavy." She called, kicking her feet. "Uhhh...You carried me up five flights of stairs," Victor hummed.

"So make me." He said with a whisper in her ear, leaning forward.

Allessandra fought against his grip on her wrists, and tried to inch away like a worm. But it wasn't working. "I'm not gonna lie, this is kinda hot." Victor said.

"Off, get off!" Allessandra shouted, using her full weight she rolled her body to the side, dragging him with her.

Victor found himself under Allessandra with her hidden blades crossed over his neck. "Now, stop being weird please, takes all the fun out of training." She said.

"You find training fun?" Victor asked.

Allessandra teetered her head from side to side and shrugged. "Yeah, actually, I do. It's better than stealing from already sad people every day and hunting down a place to call home for a night. Feels nostalgic too." She said getting off of him.

Victor grabbed her hand, "I find it fun too." He said, before she shook free of him. "Its five, I'm off to hunt the streets for information.'s too many people here can't we practice in an actual gun range? This isn't what this place is for..." She said dusting off her clothing.

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