The Shots Heard Around Gotham

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Allessandra  struggled up the steps to Victor's apartment

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Allessandra  struggled up the steps to Victor's apartment. She should have been winded, carrying a grown man on her back as if he were a small child.

She was on her fifth flight, going down the hall her eyes shimmered thankfully as she laid eyes on his front door. "Zsasz, hold on to me so I can get the keys." She said, with a groan Victor wrapped his arms around her neck.

Allessandra struggled with the keys but managed to get the door open. Kicking it open she noticed there wasn't a light on in the place.

She made her way to the small sofa in the studio apartment and dumped Victor off on it. He groaned as he hit the firm custions. Allessandra looked about, the place didn't look too terrible. There were a few articles of clothing laying about but only about two or three pieces.

She sighed and turned on a few lights. Wandering to the small kitchen she went to put on a pot of coffee and before long the robust scent filled the home.

Allessandra laid her flip phone down on the round card table which served as Victor's dinning area. She helped herself to a cup of black coffee and looked out the large industrial window out into the night sky. She waited patiently for Victor to wake.

But it didn't  seem likely that he would anytime soon.

Glancing his way she watched him peacefully sleeping. Getting to her feet she set down her cup and went to him. With a light touch she removed his blazer and loosened his tie.

Victor smirked in his sleep as Allessandra walked over to his bed to retrieve his blanket. Removing it from the bed she found a pair of cuffs clipped to his head board. "I don't even wanna know" She murmured with a roll of her eyes.

Returning to the sofa she covered Victor up, folding the excess blanket back down and over to rest at his shoulders.

Victor popped one eyes open and looked up at her. "You should lay with me." He slurred. Allessandra chuckled "not a chance Zsasz, go to sleep." She said going to return to her coffee, on the way to the table she took off her heels. Carrying the red roach-killers in her hands. She dropped them next to her chair as she took a seat.

Warm cup of coffee in her hands, she grimaced as it started to rain. "Sorry Cat, I've been gone a long time, don't  be mad kiddo." She sighed taking another sip. She felt guilty in that she had been warm, dry, and well fed for the pass two months. She felt guilty for the warm bed she had and the safety of four walls when Cat and Bridget were still out there.

No mater how tough and resourceful Cat was, she was still just a kid alone in Gotham.

Allessandra sighed heavily, finished up her coffee, washed out the cup. Drying her hands before heading over to the bed, heels and phone in hand.

She curled up at the foot of the bed, where it had to be somewhat clean and kept her eyes on Victor. In her hand she held tight to the flip phone incase she was called upon by Falcone.

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