The K Murder

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          "Ahh...ha...ha, it's a roasting hot day along with the bright golden glowing sun, Arthur, there must definitely have a mystery waiting for me," said Blake grandiosely, rubbing his hands and opening the curtain and watching outside.

Rat - Tat - Rat! the door rattled.

The handle turned and the door flung open with a squeal, Mrs Stella's head appeared, "Good news to cheer you up. Come on." she stated.

   "Did you hear that it was marked in my horoscope." he whispered, glancing at Arthur, "Come on, let's go."

As usual, Kinsley with his British Warm was there standing by the police car with a cram-full lot of piles of files in his palm to report the crime.

Blake and Arthur showed themselves out the entrance, stepping outdoors gentlemanly.

   "A Mrs Rosy at Delta Street had been murdered in her bathtub. Knifed at the middle of the breast and some scratched on the back and leg were analysed." he explained, showing the lady profile and photos of knife stabbing and bruises, "And the more interesting, you'll see it yourself. Get in, I'll drive you."

They all mounted into the car and shut the doors. The vehicle revved up and made its way to the crime scene.


The car stopped with a grinding sound. They arrived at the house and slipped off the car, closing the door and walking towards the house handsomely and solemnly. They clomped upstairs and passed the cordon tape in at the bathroom, Kinsley showing his identity card.

As they entered they saw a There was a crashed mirror with blood and there was a King of Spades pinned in the middle. Blake's eyes were broad-opened. He stepped in front of the mirror, unpinned it and contemplated at it. 

   "It's coming," he susurrated.

   "What's coming," Mort asked.

   "You remember the Jack cards which were found in the murders," he said, "It's the King's turn now, the revenge of the King."

   "This murder is related in the other last cases?" Mort questioned.

   "Yes," Blake said, "Well, carry on now."

There was a shattered bulb hanging up and on the floor, there was its glass scattered amidst. 

   "The bulb had been shot so that the job would be easy for him," mumbled Blake, looking at all four sides of the small room.

   "The body is pretty much like bathed or drowned with blood, all soaked up with gore. She's wearing occasional clothes, could be a wedding, party or something like that," said Blake, squint-eyed.

Just as he stepped backed a drop of blood dripped off and attend to the woman's forehead, When he looked up he spotted the capital letter K all written with blood.

   "K" blurted Blake along with a puzzled frown.

   "That's the more interesting." whispered Kinsley in Blake's ear, "The murderer had left a sign for us."

   "The alphabet 'K' what on earth does it stand for?" Blake asked himself the question, rubbing his light beard.


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