The Conclusion

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          Soon siren of police cars could be heard penetrating through the doorway, the red and blue sirens illuminating along with the high-pitched noise, wailing like a baby crying and glowing back on the eyes and face of Blake and Mort who was lying on a large rock in the corner. Mort's heart jumped into his throat and got up at once.

   "Blake, you must stay shocked!" mumbled Mort.

   "Yes, yes," he said.

He stood up and went to the cars. Kinsley and other policemen got out of the vehicles.

   "Check the body." Kingsley ordered to the others, then, coming to Blake, "Well astounded, eh, some questions must be inquired."

   "Well I was here for solving the mystery, I know I trespassed... and I came up to this person occupying one of the pews I decided to take a look, saying Mort to wait for me outside and as I entered I saw him being shot out of the blue but I didn't see where it came from. Then I ran out calling for you." described Blake, "Mort what do you say going to that coffee shop there, taking a hot coffee."

   "Yes. Let's go." Mort responded, making their way across the road.

The door flung open with a squeal and the doorbell rang. There were a few people sitting and chatting around the round dining table. They went to the counter where there was a slim straight-haired woman standing, forgetting her right index finger. 

   "Two coffee, please," Blake ordered and the woman pressed a button on the coffee machine and the liquid sloshed into the two thick-rimmed cups. They both caught the handle and hunkered down around one unoccupied table. 

   "So, how do you conclude all these," Mort asked, sipping a mouthful. 

   "Well- you see Mort..." he said, rummaging something in his coat-pocket and removing two cards, placing them in the table, "There were actually two cards That I found."

   "Two?" Mort said, puzzled.

   "Yes, the Jack of Spades and the Jack of Heart, and on the back..." Blake turned the cards, "You'll see Torn in the Thorns and Knave in the Nave. But there were actually four." He searched once more in his pouch.

   "Don't tell me your joking," I added belatedly.  

   "No my friend, the Jack of Diamonds, in the church,"  he said setting another card on the table, "And what is left is?"

   "The Jack of Clubs," I said, amazed. 

   "Well, unfortunately, he hadn't succeeded for his last plan, the fourth murder and there is nothing written on the back though." he turned and showed me, "And pocket cards don't merely contain Jacks but Queen and King... also."

   "And what does that imply?" I asked.

   "That the game will turn on again." 


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