This Is Why We Respect Teachers (Or At Least Iruka)

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A brief interlude where Kakashi is forced to attend a night class held by Iruka

"Can you believe how stupid people can be?" Kakashi slumped on the table and absentmindedly played with his brush.

"Clearly you haven't seen how many stupid reports I had to check the first time I took over a mission desk." Iruka stated without looking up from the paper. "And stop slumping and sit properly, Kakashi-san."

In response, Kakashi just slid further down until he's lying on the floor, the brush still in his hand. Iruka sighed but made no move to reprimand him.

"Did you know what happened today?" he asked again as he continued playing with his brush.

"Judging by how angry Naruto was when I met him, I can guess."

Kakashi immediately sit up and threw a look at the teacher. "You hang out with Naruto?"

"Yes." he replied shortly, still efficiently grading the test papers. "If you have any problem with that, please write a complaint and forward it to someone who cares." Iruka paused for a moment and looked up. "Of course, provided they don't throw it away since they can't understand your shitty writing that is," he smiled politely.

Kakashi dramatically placed his hand on his chest. "You wound me, Iruka. Look at that, I'm bleeding."

Iruka just rolled his eyes at him and continued his grading.

Huffing in dissatisfaction for not being able to get a rise on Iruka, Kakashi leaned back down on the floor, his one eye identifying some seals painted on the ceiling of Iruka's room.

A few minutes passed in comfortable silence before Kakashi popped up again like a mole popping out of a hole.

"What is it this time, Kakashi-san?" Iruka asked as he set his finished work aside and grabbed a few strips of blank papers and a brush.

"Did you know Sakura would make an excellent infiltrator or information gatherer?"

Iruka cast a confused look at Kakashi, silently asking him to explain.

"She knew I was in Anbu." Kakashi prompted.

Iruka made an exaggerated face of surprise.

Kakashi gave him a look to show how unimpressed he is with Iruka's attempt at acting how surprised he is to know Kakashi was in Anbu.

Iruka just shrugged and went back to making seals. "What does that have to do with Sakura being an infiltrator?"

"She told me that she overheard two shinobis talking about how my 'Anbu days'," he made the quoting fingers, "are over."

Iruka hummed at that.

"She said that since she's just a harmless little Rabbit girl, no one really noticed her." Kakashi continued.

"I noticed. I wanted to suggest to the Sandaime about training her to be an infiltrator or something along that line but then we'll be one student short and Team 7 won't exist if she's not there." he told him. "Besides, I think she'll be good for Naruto and Sasuke. Despite having such a clashing persona, those two are quite similar in a way so I hope Sakura could balance out the team."

"So you're the reason why I'm stuck with those gremlins."

Iruka shot him a pretty smile in return.

As Iruka continued making seals, Kakashi eyed him curiously from his seat. "...has anyone ever told you how scarily crafty you can be?" he asked a few seconds later.

Iruka laughed at that. "Believe it or not, you're the second person to tell me that."

"Oh? And who's the first?"

"Sandaime-sama." he answered.

"Well, as they say: 'like calls to like' or something like that. Or is it 'it takes one to know one'?" Kakashi pondered.

Iruka just grinned at him without saying anything else.

"Well then, Iruka-sensei. I enjoyed our time together but it seems like it's time for me to go." Kakashi excused himself and made a move to leave. Only, his whole body froze mid-rise and Kakashi let out a groan. "Can't I skip it? Just this once?" he pleaded, trying and failing to look at Iruka who is behind him so he could give the sad puppy look to the man.

"You promised me, Kakashi-san; a good report with all the forms filled properly and with a writing eligible enough to be read by me and everyone else," Iruka remind him.

"I have three gremli-I mean genins to train tomorrow?" he tried.

"Then all the more reason we should do this properly in one go." Iruka smiled.

Kakashi just let his head fall in defeat and let himself be subjected to the most tedious thing he has ever done for the night.

"Can I at least read my Icha Icha-"


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