Chapter 1

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It's been two weeks since Jocelyn got married to Luke and Clary is still home alone, since Luke and Jocelyn are on their honeymoon.
I'm startled awake by the implement feeling of nausea and run to the bathroom. When I return to bed next to Jace he has woken up.
"What's wrong?" Jace asks concerned.
"Oh it's nothing just a stomach bug or something. I'm going back to sleep," I informed him.
"Okay. If you say, so." Said Jace as he snuggled up to me in bed.
As I lay awake trying to sleep, I couldn't help but think about how weird of a a feeling it was. The stomach turning feeling wasn't just the generic stomach bug or food poisoning feeling. It was completely different. And through all the chaos I barely even realized my period was late.
Authors note:
Sorry for any misspellings or grammatical errors this is my first fan fiction and I hope you like it. In case you didn't realize this is after CoHF in Cassandra Clare's amazing series The Mortal Instruments. All the characters belong to her. Thank you for reading!!


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