chapter 1

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Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! The sound of dead leaves under my bare feet filled his ears, it was the only thing distracting Shuichu from his heavy breathing or aching legs. The sound was crisp and satisfying, although it was deafeningly loud in the almost silent forest and would surely give away Shuichi's location if it were heard. That didn't matter though, he just needed to get away and, hopefully, find a town of sorts. Shuichi never thought they'd accuse her m of witchcraft, but it was, quite obviously, Celestia Ludenberg's doing. He knew too much and she was aware of that, so she accused Shuichi of the very thing she was herself, a witch. She truly is a hypocrite as he had presumed.

Shuichi had been running for hours at this point, and believed he had lost them, so he stopped. Jeez it was freezing out here, and his lack of footwear certainly didn't help; He couldn't afford to be bothered by the cold though, Shuichi just needed to rest so he could continue traveling. He was drowsy, the lack of movement had let the tiredness sink in, so Shuichi laid on a clear patch of grass near a tree. His eyelids felt heavy, and so he shut his eyes only to drift into a light slumber minutes later.


'Damn its cold' I spoke quietly to myself, gripping the white cloak I wore as I strolled through the forest right outside my village. I needed a break from the castle, so I had opted to go for a walk through the forest near the kingdom. I'm really starting to regret that now as it was so cold out, but it was autumn so what did I truly expect? Certainly not what I saw next.

As I entered a small clearing, I saw a thin boy asleep on the grass. His hair was a navy blue and his skin was pale. The sleeping boy wore a white shirt, although it was stained and the sleeves were ripped slightly, and ripped brown shorts. I wasn't too sure what they were made from though, but that didn't matter. I hesitantly walked over to the boy, nervously crouching down and shaking him lightly. The tall-ish boys slumber seemed to be cut short by my weak attempt at waking him up. "Mmm." The boy quietly groaned before his eyes opened, revealing beautiful, green-ish gold eyes. He seemed to panic, quickly sitting up and scooted away. "W-who are you? What do you want?" His voice was loud, the panic being obvious. His voice had a higher pitch than she'd expect, although it was still obvious that it belonged to him. "Calm down, Im not going to hurt you silly!" I giggled before reaching my hand out to him.

"My names Kaede Akamatsu, Im the royal pianist for Prince Kokichi. Whats your name?" I asked curiously, my blonde hair slightly blocking my view. The boy hesitantly took my hand, our hands were almost the same size, "My name's Shuichi Saihara..." He seemed unsure of his own name. I pulled the boy up;  I was about 3-4 centimetres taller than him and he and had a slightly feminine hip. "Alright Saihara San, where are you from?" I asked, which seemed to panic Saihara. "I-I dont want to talk about it, I just need somewhere new to stay" Saihara seemed to want to avoid properly answering my question so I simply smiled. "Okay Saihara San! Well, you can come back with me if you like! But you might want to wear this." I slipped off my cloak as I talked and passed it to Saihara, who took the white cloak and was quick to put it on. "Thank you Akamatsu Chan "He spoke quietly, smiling softly. His eyes seemed to glisten in the small amount of sunlight that was left, they certainly looked more gold now.

I didnt ask any more questions, instead I grabbed his hand and headed towards the kingdom. I wasnt sure what Id do with him though. The walk was silent, although it was peaceful. The guards didnt question anything when I entered the gates of the kingdom and castle, I guess they wouldnt dare since I was the daughter of a noble. I quietly snuck through the castle with Saihara, who seemed to be very awkward, until I reached my room. As I entered the room, an idea popped into my head...

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