Chapter 11

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(Kokichi's POV)

I quietly walked through the elegant ball room, the loud piano drowning out my thoughts. I made my way to my gold throne, my sister, Maki, sitting on her own, staring at the beautiful pianist again. I always knew Maki had a crush on Kaede Akamatsu but I'd never say it. I may be a shitty brother but I'm not that bad, plus I'm sure Maki would actually kill me this time it I said anything to Kaede or even Shuichi- but anyways.

The place was packed with hundreds of people; majority of them being women. Although that did make sense considering the purpose of this ball was to find myself a suitable wife. Although I found this rather weird, at least all the women I had to choose from wanted to be here, I was thankful for that because otherwise I would've felt horrible. I may not be the most moral of people but I do feel bad for others sometimes, specifically women. I still hate how much some men think it's okay to harass women when it's not.

I flopped onto my throne, groaning. "Kokichi, try to be more formal here." Maki glared at him as she spoke. She surprisingly didn't sound that angry, tired but definitely not angry. I groaned again, "ugh, fine. Whatever you say-" I couldn't bother to keep up with my facade right now, plus Maki was my sister. No matter which of us was adopted.

As I looked through the crowd, I spotted Shuichi handing out wines to the guests. If I was being honest; I'd say she was quite beautiful in that dress. Even if I preferred men. Although, if my theory is right then she may just fit my type. But there was only one way to find this out, and it's gonna be a lot harder than it sounds.

I saw girls dancing with some of the male attendees, majority coming to get their chances with the ladies. We did invite the whole village and neighbouring royalty after all . My amethyst purple eyes scanned the room again after losing track of Shuichi. I saw her place the empty dish down. She only had to hand out a few trays, which gave me a chance to ask her to dance. So I rushed down and made my way over to her, trying to play it cool of course.

"Hey Shumai~!" I obviously frightened her as she seemed to jump slightly. "O-Oh hi Prince Kokichi! Is there anyway I can assist you.?" She whispered, playing with her sleeves. "Actualllyyyy...I came to ask you if you'd like to dance." I offered my hand out to the taller girl. She seemed flustered but took it. "S-Sure...." She seemed to be eternally panicking but I don't really blame her all that much. Shumai definitely hasn't expected this.

I held her hand in mine and pulled her out to the middle of the ball room. I intertwined one of my hands with hers and the other went around her waist. The next song that started to play was a slow but beautiful song, each key adding to the beautiful melody. If I remember correctly, this is one of Kaede's original pieces, which reminded me of how talented she is. Shuichi seemed to really like the melody aswell.

I started to move my feet alittle, Shuichi following along. She was so elegant, despite seeming like she had never danced before. As the song progressed, we just got closer, to the point where we were almost kidding. I was just as flustered as her, my heart beating a million beats per second. Yet I felt like I could just stay here together, in this very moment. But of course, all good things must come to an end as the beautiful melody ended. Our dancing stopped and I lead her off to the side.

"Wow Shumai! You're such a good dancer Nishishi~!" I grinned. "Now I should probably get back to my throne. I'll see you soon..." I whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek before skipping away. I would've loved to stay but time had surprisingly passed quickly and I'm sure I'd have to pick soon. And Maki would definitely kill me if I wasn't there. Amd I certainly didn't wanna lose my head before getting married-

(SORRY TO LEAVE YALL ON A CLIFF HANGER BUT THANK YOU GUYS FOR 7.6K!! I LOVE YOU ALL! I wanna know ya'lls opinions on something for my next book so if you wanna know check my recent conversations! Anyway thanks for reading guys :D
-love, KK )

The boy in the maid dress /Oumasai/ (maybe discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now