Chapter 5

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(A/N:I'm sorry about the chapters being short! I write most of this story in my classes and I have trouble writing full storied usually cus I get disinterested really easy so i'm really trying to get to the main story, i'm really sorry (>-<)

(Kokichi's pov)

"Nishishi~ Dont be shy princess, step forward~" I giggled, beckoning the navy hair girl I had pointed at to step forward from the line of well-dressed girls. The girl took a seemingly hesitant step forward, her hands fiddling with some of the frills on her dress and her cheeks were a bright red. Although she was quite the cutie, which even I could admit despite being gay, there was something off about her. She intrigued me, whether it was her quite long lashes or her taller figure, I couldnt be sure. The girl gulped, before curtsying and softly speaking, "Good morning your majesty, m-my name is Shuichi Saihara." The girls voice was feminine but had a slight masculinity to it, it only intrigued me more. I was curious, it wasnt an opportunity to pass up. "Oh wow, what a dumb name~ Well, thats a lie, anyway everyone go home I've made my choice." My voice went from a giggle to bland and serious in a matter of seconds. Every girl lined up seemed to have a different reaction, some were furious while some were sad while a few seemed to be indifferent. The navy haired girl, Shuichi, was seemingly confused, so I beckoned her up. The navy haired girl silently walked up to my throne; her hands tangled in her hair. I glanced over at my sister, Maki, she was so silent that I had completely forgot she was there! Not that she was actually that important in reality. Maki glared at me, before her gaze was directed at Shuichi. The girl seemed to flinch, but she still quietly walked up the few stairs to reach my throne. The girls head hung low, her navy-blue locks covering her beet red face. "Mom! Show the new girl to her room!" I shouted out, getting the attention of one of our maids, Kirumi Tojo, although I preferred to call her mom. Kirumi simply nodded and grabbed Shuichis hand gently, which startled the girl. Kirumom started walking away with Shuichi stumbling behind. There was something off about her, and I was going to find out what

The boy in the maid dress /Oumasai/ (maybe discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora