Chapter 4

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(Shuichis pov)

The next day came around quicker than I expected, meaning that from now on I would be a girl. Great, this is simply wonderful. Although I am grateful for even the small chance that I'd be picked as a maid. Of course it wasnt definite that I'd actually be picked, but Kaede probably had a plan B in case it didnt go to plan. At least I hoped she did. But that didnt matter just yet, I just had to focus on getting up. I rolled out of the bed and sat up, yawning and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. My eyes scanned the room, only to find Kaede wasnt in bed, meaning she was awake. Kaede walked through the door suddenly, it seems she was just in the bathroom. She smiled, motioning for me to walk over. I stood up quite quickly, rushing over to her. "What is it Akamatsu Chan?" I asked, tilting my head. "Well, you have to get ready! We have an hour!" She seemed to rush, snatching the quite beautiful blue and white dress from the rack and pushing it to my dress. I blinked, stunned for a second before I took it and headed to the bathroom to change but Kaede stopped me "Wait!" She seemed to hesitate before continuing, although her face was red. "Youneedtowearfemaleunderwear-" She sputtered out very fast, but I understood what she was saying, which caused my cheeks to flush. "W-why?" I stuttered, pulling down my sleeves as it was a habit of mine. "W-well the Prince likes do I describe it? Um...prank people. He usually trips people over, and usually they dont end up in the purest of positions. He finds it rather funny though. And, he'd get suspicious if one of the maids were wearing boxers, he's pretty clever." Considering how Kaede started out, it sounded like it was going to be something really weird and perverse. "Ah, that makes sense...alright, I guess I'll just have too." I let out a small sigh. I was quite embarrassed, but I had to get over it for my own sake. "A-anyway I'll leave you to change..." she mumbled, placing the clothes I hadnt even notice her grab on the bed before leaving the room in a rush. I let out a short sigh and silently undressed. Although it took a lot of struggling, I was finally dressed. I looked around for the wig, before I finally found it along with a few hair ties in front of a mirror. "Oh Atua, this'll be fun"I softly spoke to myself; my voice was quite sarcastic. I grabbed a hair tie and brushed my hair back, tying it before gently grabbing the wig. The wig was a dark, navy blue, a similar colour too my own. I placed the light wig on my head and scooped the remaining bits of my hair into the wig before checking myself out in the mirror. I did look really convincing, Kaede really was right when she said the wig would be needed. I let out a nervous sigh before looking around Kaedes room, only now deciding to really analyse it. The walls were a pretty bland white, but her bed sheets added some colour as they were pink. The room was an L shape, the mirror where I had just stood barely a minute ago was in the hallway like part of the room, it was an odd shape in my opinion but that didnt matter too much. Before he could look at the room anymore, Kaede rushed in, her blonde hair tied up in a bun. Her dress was different from mine as it was loose fitting, quite obviously made for easy mobility while looking pretty. The whole dress was white, although there were some small, black music notes on the bottom of the dresses skirt. She smiled a cheerful smile, her saturated pink eyes looking me up and down before nodding her head like she was approving how I was dressed. It was strange to be wearing this, but that was no matter at this point in time. Kaede let out a small sigh before beginning to speak "The line up will begin any minute, the prince is very impatient. I already added you to the list they have." She grabbed my hand right after she finished her sentence and began pulling me downstairs. I found this line up thing quite strange and non-practical but to each their own. Kaede seemed to rush, the sound of her black flats clicking against the marble stairs. Now that I look around, the palace was beautiful. The floors were made out of a pearly white marble along with the high walls, the hallways were lined with portraits of past members of the royal family. Kaede stopped when we seemed to arrive at a throne room of sorts, it was quite obvious it was from the thrones sat slightly higher than the rest of the flooring, most likely like that to show the rank of the royal family. The thrones were seemingly made of gold with purple cushions to support a persons back and butt, but there was this one throne in the middle of the other two. The edges of this specific throne were decorated with amethysts, and on this throne sat a boy with a smaller stature than me. His soft looking skin was ghostly pale and his eyes a colour that matched the amethysts on his throne and his hair, although still purple, was pretty dark with highlights at the tips. His hair seemed to naturally curl in a way at the bottom, although I did heavily doubt that it was actually natural and not the work of copious amount of hair gel. Sat beside him in a throne of her own sat a girl with long, brown hair and piercing red eyes, her skin a pale colour like the boys but slightly less dead looking. The two seemed to be bickering, although the girl was a lot more serious looking than the boy was. The line of girls was already there, a lot of them just wanting to get close to the royal family. It wasnt surprising, girls were expected to be married rich or work, so I wasn't really judging. Kaede gently pushed me into the line before coughing, which grabbed their attention. The girl, most likely a princess, glared at the boy, most likely the prince, who snickered. He looked through the line of girls before his eyes seemingly landed on me, which caused me to glance away nervously. "Nishishi~ Wow! What a line. Of course they would all want to work for me, after all, I am the handsome prince of this kingdom~" He boasted, his hands proudly on his hips. The princess rolled her eyes, her face blank as she looked over the line of girls. "You, you seem interesting, introduce yourself!" He giggled, then pointed

The boy in the maid dress /Oumasai/ (maybe discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now